Netcong School Student Driven Curriculum & Professional Development Action Plan
New Jersey Ask Scores 3 rd Grade through 8 th Grade o Scores in Context o Data Review Questions o Student Informed Curriculum Development & Professional Development SGO’s—Regional Student Growth Objectives Assessments o Common 3 rd through 8 th Grade SGO’s for ALL 3 K-8 Districts o Three Separate SGO Formative (informative) Assessments o Standardized Test for ALL LEARNERS to create benchmarks & Clear, Target Learning Goals for EVERY Student Rubicon Atlas Curriculum Mapping o Revision for ALL Netcong School curricula o Best Practices from Model Schools merged with… o Hybrid Curricula of Netcong, Byram, & Stanhope
New Jersey ASK SCORES Data Review for ACHIEVENJ STUDENTS’ SUCCESSES Review of Grades and NJASK Scores with LVR Superintendent 7 of 28 Netcong School 8 th Grade Students asked to move up a level in either or a combination of: Mathematics—to Geometry Honors English—to English Honors History—to History Honors 8 TH Grade Advanced Proficient ASK Average = BRAVO 8 th Grade Class of 2014 and LVR Class of 2017 Bravo 8 th Grade Math Team!
New Jersey ASK SCORES Data Review for ACHIEVENJ STUDENTS’ SUCCESSES Strong Advanced Proficient Numbers in 6-8 Math Strong Advanced Proficient Numbers in 7 th grade LAL Target the Adv. Prof. # of 15 % for ALL Grade Levels Increase the # of Proficient Students by 10% Partial Proficiency #’s are near target of 20% for Math 4 Year Data Picture Indicates Positive Changes in Past Year for 3 rd —8 th grade student NJASK skills and Content Knowledge
New Jersey ASK SCORES Data Review for ACHIEVENJ SMART GOAL =Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-Bound Increase student proficiency by 10% for ALL Grades Tested Give Formative, end of year, standardized Assessments in: First two weeks of September & retest at End of October First two weeks of December & retest at End of January First two weeks of February & retest at End of March
New Jersey ASK SCORES Data Review for ACHIEVENJ Special Education Student Growth Build on Language Needs Develop Reading and Writing Workshop Model ALL STUDENTS ARE AUTHORS Read to Develop Critical Thinking Tier 3 Vocabulary in the Classroom
Rubicon Atlas Mapping for Developing a 3-District Regionally Coordinated Curriculum Rubicon Atlas Mapping Two Year Rollout Plan Year One Curriculum Documents Developed & Posted on Rubicon Atlas Website Collaborative, 3-District Curriculum Maps Teacher Pilot Group of 7 Teachers from Each District All Teachers will have Review & Analysis Capabilities All Teachers will have a Personalized “Dashboard” All Teachers will have ability to save Searches & Data that they run Second Year Teachers will use FULL Site Capacity
Overview of Action Plan Pieces Scores with specific discrete tasks will guide teacher targeted lesson planning and student centered learning Student Growth Objectives will stem from ASK scores review & Standardized Formative Assessments given 3 Times in the School Year Rubicon Atlas Mapping as site for Developing (then approving) and Sharing Curriculum with Teachers, the other K-8 Districts, and Community
jaw & kew 8/2013 Response to Intervention Netcong Elementary School Jacqueline Cinotti & Kathleen Walsh
jaw & kew 8/2013 Tiers of Instruction
jaw & kew 8/2013 Benefits to Students Eliminate “wait to fail” Intervene at the earliest indication of student need Potentially reduce the number of special education referrals Distinguish between students whose achievement problems are due to a learning disability vs. students whose achievement problems are linked to other issues – i.e. lack of prior instruction Progress monitoring techniques provide more instructionally relevant information than traditional assessments
jaw & kew 8/2013 Benefits to Students Collaboration of school staff including the administration, classroom teacher, basic skills teachers, special education teacher, psychologist, etc. All share the responsibility of helping each child succeed. Specific instructional strategies found to benefit particular students are employed – eliminates the “one size fits all” approach.
jaw & kew 8/2013 Success In order to implement RTI correctly we need benchmark testing. Professional development is key to the success of RTI.
2009 Visual and Performing Arts 2009 Comprehensive Health and Physical Education 2009 Science 2009 Social Studies 2009 World Languages 2009 Technology st-Century Life and Careers
21 st Century Learning at Netcong Elementary School: Technology integration will continue for students Chromebooks will be available for all middle school students Updated Wi-Fi Access will support the new devices Genesis student information system will give all stakeholders access Rubicon Atlas will help teachers connect the learning across the curriculum