Algebra 1 Andrea Austin
Course Goals Improve/extend mathematical abilities and understanding Prepare students for math classes beyond Algebra 1 Build knowledge necessary to pass the Indiana Algebra 1 End of Course Assessment (required for graduation) Build “mathematical confidence”
Homework Homework will be assigned almost every day. Every homework assignment will be worth 10 points. Homework grades will be given based on completion or accuracy depending on the assignment.
Test/Retest Policy After we finish a unit (approximately 2 chapters in the textbook), we will have a unit test. We will go over the unit test during the next class period. The following class period, we will have a retest. Students who show mastery of the material on the first test will not be required to take the retest (varies by test—normally around 85%.) Students will receive the higher of the two test grades for that unit. (The only exception to this is students who score below a 70% on the first test—they will automatically receive the retest score.)
Grading Homework 21.25% Quizzes21.25% Tests 42.5% Final Exam 15%
Calculator Use Calculator use in Algebra 1 is both recommended and encouraged. Students will be taught how to correctly use a calculator to assist with computation. Students will be allowed to use calculators on all quizzes, tests and assignments. Students are also allowed to use a calculator on a portion of the Algebra 1 ECA.
What is an ECA? The graduation examination requirement consists of the Algebra I and English 10 End-of-Course Assessments (ECAs). Every graduating Indiana student must demonstrate mastery of the Indiana Academic Standards assessed by these ECAs. The most straightforward way to meet this requirement is to: (1) attain scores at or above the passing scale scores in the Algebra I and English 10 ECAs; and (2) meet all state and local graduation requirements.
How is the Algebra 1 ECA structured? Constructed response Multiple choice Gridded response Graphing Students will be given a reference sheet to use on the entire exam. Students may use a calculator on certain portions of the exam.
How will we prepare for the ECA? Emphasis placed on topics that are included on ECA ECA-type questions on all tests Practice tests/progress monitoring throughout the year 2-3 weeks of class focused solely on ECA review leading up to the ECA Students who have already passed the ECA will also benefit from this review as it is reinforcing essential skills needed for success in higher math courses.
More information about the ECA
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