Mrs. Taylor’s Class
Mrs. Jennifer Taylor x8047 Conference Periods 4 th and 8 th (2:15-3:45)
1 box of Kleenex 1 spiral notebook 100 of the 3’ x 5’ index cards Index card holder Compass and Protractor (talk to teacher before purchasing) Binder to keep work in with dividers Notebook paper Pencils and colorful pen(s)
Be prepared! Homework will be assigned almost every night. Have your homework fully complete by the start of class. Participate in class! Always be on task and ask questions when you have them. If you are allowed homework time in class, use it or it will not be offered again. Cell phones are only allowed with the approval of Mrs. Taylor. Cell phones will be picked up for all tests.
A graphing calculator will be provided during class. Your seat number matches your calculator number. Grab your calculator at the beginning of each class period. It is highly recommended you have a calculator to use at home in order to do your homework. If you do not have one, you may check out a calculator through me once a permission slip has been signed by you and a parent. PSAT
There will be at least three tests each nine weeks grading period. There will be some tests where you are not allowed to use your calculator. Be prepared to solve things in your head or on pencil and paper. Partial credit will only be considered if work is shown. If a written answer is required, use complete sentences. All tests are timed. You will only have one period to take the test. No assistance will be given on tests.
Daily Work (30%) Class Activities Homework Quizzes Tests (70%)
First thing you should do is check the class website to see what you missed! Please do not wait until the next class period because you will already be behind at that point. Talk to your friends. They are great resources to catch up on missed work. Copy notes from a friend or from your class spiral. Check your class folder for missed handouts. Missing homework should be turning in the next class period and missed quizzes and/or tests should be made up within 4 calendar days. If you are absent for a test, make arrangements with Mrs. Taylor to make it up. You will not be given extra time or extra viewings of the test.
Since you are in a Pre-AP class, you will only be allowed to retest once per nine weeks to earn up to a 70. You have 5 calendar days to take your retest once you know the grade of the failing test. Make arrangements with Mrs. Taylor to take the test outside of class time. Late work / Dropping grades vote.
Before School Monday – Friday starting at 8:10 In Mrs. Taylor’s Room After School Monday – Thursday until 4:15 In Mrs. Taylor’s Room There will be a note on the classroom door if Mrs. Taylor is not available of another teacher that you can see for help. Or feel free to see any Math teacher for help. We don’t bite
If you need to leave the room for any reason, ask to do so at the appropriate time. Please use all of your class time wisely. When you get stuck at home, use your resources. YouTube is amazing. You can type in almost any topic and see videos about how to solve similar problems. When you need to know any grade, check online. As soon as your paper is graded, the grade is available to see online.