What is the Group IV Project? Collaborative scientific investigation (2-5 people per group) Like a group DESIGN, DCP & CE with a Power Point presentation product (instead of the write-up you all know and love so much) Addresses IB Aims 7 & 8 “develop and apply the students’ information and communication technology skills in the study of science” “raise awareness of the moral, ethical, social, economic and environmental implications of using science and technology”
What is the Group IV Project? Project is essentially PASS / FAIL Failure is not really an option After completing a passing project, you will be evaluated according to the Personal Skills rubric (6 possible points)
PERSONAL SKILLS (assessed during the Group 4 Project ONLY) Final PS Mark out of 6 = ______ Level/Marks Aspect 1Aspect 2Aspect 3 Self-motivation and perseverance Working within a team Self-reflection Complete 2 Approaches the project with self-motivation and follows it through to completion. Collaborates and communicates in a group situation and integrates the views of others. Shows a thorough awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses and gives thoughtful consideration to their learning experience. Partial 1 Completes the project but sometimes lacks self-motivation. Exchanges some views but requires guidance to collaborate with others. Shows limited awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses and gives some consideration to their learning experience. Not at all 0 Lacks perseverance and motivation. Makes little or no attempt to collaborate in a group situation. Shows no awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses and gives no consideration to their learning experience.
What is the Group IV Project? 10 hours total – all outside of class ~2 hours: planning phase (DESIGN) ½ hour – brainstorm and develop your SPECIFIC research question under provided umbrella topic “Environmental Chemistry” (make sure you’ve considered the question, “so what?”) 1½ hours – research your topic, consider variables, develop procedures, gather materials, etc. ~6 hours – action phase (DCP) gather materials, test, retest… process data start over if necessary, test, retest… process data CLEAN UP!!! ~2 hours – evaluation phase (CE) Draw conclusions, evaluate procedures, consider “going further” Finalize your Power Point presentation All group members need to be a part of every phase, so schedules should be arranged when forming groups --- if your schedules cannot be aligned, you are not a group.
Timeline Planning Phase Action Phase Evaluation Phase Presentations – collaborating with Pepperdine (see calendar)
Power Point Presentation Parts 1. Title slide Specific research question names/picture of group members
Power Point Presentation Parts 2. SO WHAT??? Slide(s) Why should we care about this research? Why is this worth testing?
Power Point Presentation Parts 3. Variables DV/IDV Table of controlled variables Controlled VariablesHow Method Allows for the Control of the Key Variables W X Y Z
Power Point Presentation Parts 4. Materials/Method List of materials Summarized “bullet-point” method Must include photo(s) setup, procedures in action, etc.
Power Point Presentation Parts 5. Results (Tables, Graphs, Photos, etc.) *Turn in paper copy of all raw data* Include only processed data in Power Point Must include photo(s) of your results Something like this, perhaps, but with a title and labels
Power Point Presentation Parts 6. Conclusion & Evaluation Bullet point summary of findings (including the “so what?” implications of these conclusions) Bullet point list of KEY limitations, errors & suggested improvements Bullet point list of “ideas for further research”
Power Point Presentation Parts 7. Citations/References Use proper format
Power Point Presentation Keep it… Interesting Brief (approx. 10 minutes total per group) Professional etc.
The Group IV Project And it goes without saying (even though I am saying it now) that everything in this project must your group’s own authentic creation (your procedures, your data, your processing, your analysis, your thoughts, your words… etc.)
The Group IV Project Umbrella Topic: Environmental Chemistry
Environmental Chemistry Ideas Atmospheric Chemistry Factors affecting ozone concentrations (e.g. UV, temperature, elevation, proximity to highway, time of day, time of year) UV protection/filtering Available materials: UV light sensors, GPS units, mapping software, thermometers, ozone test strips, atmospheric pressure sensors, humidity sensors Standard HS chemistry lab equipment
Environmental Chemistry Ideas Water Quality Buffering capacity of natural bodies of water (lakes, streams, ocean) Determine how water quality (coliform bacteria, pH, DO, hardness, nitrates, phosphates, chlorine, iron, turbidity, etc.) of natural bodies of water (or tap water) vary with location (or before and after a storm) --- CAREFUL, this topic is broad so you will need to narrow your focus! Example: Factors affecting chlorination of the Santa Clara River (test chlorine levels along river and determine sources) Example: test for specific water quality factors in various forms of drinking water (tap water at various locations &/or bottled water of various brands --- use distilled water as control)
Environmental Chemistry Ideas Water Quality Available materials: Test kits for: coliform bacteria, pH, DO, hardness, nitrates, phosphates, chlorine, copper, iron, turbidity Sensors: pH, stream flow rate, temp. GPS units & mapping software Standard HS chemistry lab equipment
Environmental Chemistry Ideas Soil Chemistry How does soil type relate to soil quality? Which potting soil is “best?” (as defined by…) Determine how soil chemistry varies with location (fertilized areas v. natural areas; locations down a slope – do nutrients get depleted from soil as runoff?) Available materials: Test kits for: pH, nitrates, phosphates, potassium GPS units & mapping software Standard HS chemistry lab equipment
Environmental Chemistry Ideas Other? This year is unique in that we are partnering with Pepperdine and trying to match their sequence of topics in environmental chem, so see calendar for specifics