CRCT Q UESTION What layer of the atmosphere is the coldest layer? a. Troposphere b. Stratosphere c. Thermosphere d. Mesosphere
A TMOSPHERE P ROJECT Think of a ONE project you would like to do AND would fit well in this unit!
O CEANOGRAPHY R ETEST Reteach: This morning Retest: TOMORROW
W EEK AT A GLANCE Monday: Review air pressure and Layers Notes Tuesday: Layers of the Earth activity due and Heat transfer Notes Wednesday: Quiz and Global Wind Notes Thursday: Local Wind Notes Friday: Workday on project TEST TUESDAY 2/14
P ART 2: L AYERS OF THE A TMOSPHERE Read your Notes Use our “tag the Text Strategies”
L AYERS OF THE ATMOSPHERE Atmosphere is divided into layers according to changes in temperature. Gravity holds the atmosphere on the earth. Layers from the surface of the Earth outward are Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Thermosphere
T ROPOSPHERE First layer It is where we live Where weather occurs Temperature drops as you rise
S TRATOSPHERE Second layer Jet stream is located here Ozone layer is located here. Ozone (O ₃ ) protects us from harmful radiation from space. Temperature goes up as you rise
M ESOSPHERE Third layer Temperature goes down as you rise Dust from space (meteors) burn up in this layer (unless they are really big)
T HERMOSPHERE Has two parts and the temperature rises but the atoms are too spread out to feel warm. Ionosphere – (made of ions) we use it for radio communications because radio signals bounce off this layer. Auroras occur here. Exosphere (outer layer) the atoms are very spread out and is where out satellites orbit.
P ART 1: F ILL IN THE TABLE For data on the earth, see pages For the layers of the atmosphere see pages Be sure to label your numbers
P ART 2: C ONVERTING THE LAYERS Complete the thickness chart Scale: 1 cm=100 km Ex: 1200 km= 12 cm
P ART 3: M AKING A MODEL With your strip of paper and ruler, map out each layer of the earth and atmosphere Use the color key listed Make sure you write the distances on the colored part Answer the discussion questions on a separate sheet of paper