1 Session Two: Lighting the Fire 2 Outdoors: “The Sizzle” The allure The arena The classroom The adventure The allure The arena The classroom The adventure.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Session Two: Lighting the Fire

2 Outdoors: “The Sizzle” The allure The arena The classroom The adventure The allure The arena The classroom The adventure

3 Outdoors: A “Pop Quiz”

4 Outdoors: The Skills

5 Key Resources to Develop Your Skills BSA training opportunities Supportive adults The boy-led troop using the patrol method BSA outdoor-related literature BSA training opportunities Supportive adults The boy-led troop using the patrol method BSA outdoor-related literature

6 The Scoutmaster Handbook Checklists Scoutmaster’s Campsite Quick Checklist Scout Outdoor Essentials Personal Overnight Camping Gear Troop Overnight Camping Gear Outdoor Program Checklist …and your Scoutmaster Handbook Scoutmaster’s Campsite Quick Checklist Scout Outdoor Essentials Personal Overnight Camping Gear Troop Overnight Camping Gear Outdoor Program Checklist …and your Scoutmaster Handbook

7 Leave No Trace Plan ahead and prepare. Travel and camp on durable surfaces. Dispose of waste properly. Leave what you find. Minimize campfire impact. Respect wildlife. Be considerate of other visitors. Plan ahead and prepare. Travel and camp on durable surfaces. Dispose of waste properly. Leave what you find. Minimize campfire impact. Respect wildlife. Be considerate of other visitors.

8 Outdoors: Safety

9 Trek Safely 1. Qualified Supervision 2. Keep Fit 3. Plan Ahead 4. Gear Up 5. Communicate Clearly and Completely 6. Monitor Conditions 7. Discipline 1. Qualified Supervision 2. Keep Fit 3. Plan Ahead 4. Gear Up 5. Communicate Clearly and Completely 6. Monitor Conditions 7. Discipline

10 Additional Safety Resources Safe Swim Defense Safety Afloat Climb On Safely Guide to Safe Scouting Safe Swim Defense Safety Afloat Climb On Safely Guide to Safe Scouting

11 Driver’s Pledge I will not drive when I feel fatigued. I realize that when I am fatigued, I process information more slowly and less accurately, and this impairs my ability to react in time to avoid accidents. I will arrange my schedule so that for several days before a Boy Scout driving trip, I will get a good night’s sleep every night to avoid the cumulative effects of not getting enough sleep. I will not drive when I feel fatigued. I realize that when I am fatigued, I process information more slowly and less accurately, and this impairs my ability to react in time to avoid accidents. I will arrange my schedule so that for several days before a Boy Scout driving trip, I will get a good night’s sleep every night to avoid the cumulative effects of not getting enough sleep. I will make trip preparations far enough in advance so that last-minute preparations don’t interfere with my rest. I will make travel plans that take into account my personal biological clock and will drive only during the part of the day when I know I will be alert. I will be smart about engaging in physical activities during Scouting outings and will make sure that I will be ready to drive alert. I will make trip preparations far enough in advance so that last-minute preparations don’t interfere with my rest. I will make travel plans that take into account my personal biological clock and will drive only during the part of the day when I know I will be alert. I will be smart about engaging in physical activities during Scouting outings and will make sure that I will be ready to drive alert. Do all you can to keep Scouts safe.

12 The Four Steps to Advancement A Scout learns. A Scout is tested. A Scout is reviewed. A Scout is recognized. A Scout learns. A Scout is tested. A Scout is reviewed. A Scout is recognized.

13 Video segment No. 7: Teaching Scout Skills

14 Video segment No. 8: The Scoutmaster Conference

15 The Board of Review Not a retest, but a discussion Atmosphere of trust and support Encouragement and praise Not a retest, but a discussion Atmosphere of trust and support Encouragement and praise

16 A Scout Is Recognized Immediately by the Scoutmaster Publicly in a court of honor Immediately by the Scoutmaster Publicly in a court of honor

17 Strengths of the Advancement Program It’s fun. It offers adventure. It allows Scouts to measure their progress. It provides recognition. It promotes development of mental and physical fitness, character, and citizenship. But it’s just one of the eight methods of Scouting! It’s fun. It offers adventure. It allows Scouts to measure their progress. It provides recognition. It promotes development of mental and physical fitness, character, and citizenship. But it’s just one of the eight methods of Scouting!

18 Secrets to Growing A Troop Retain current members. Bring Webelos Scouts into the troop. Build strong pack relationships. Recruit boys not currently in Scouting. Emphasize the importance of Scouting to parents. Accept the responsibility to bring in new members. Encourage boys to recruit other boys. Retain current members. Bring Webelos Scouts into the troop. Build strong pack relationships. Recruit boys not currently in Scouting. Emphasize the importance of Scouting to parents. Accept the responsibility to bring in new members. Encourage boys to recruit other boys.

19 Video No. 9: Growing the Troop

20 The biggest disservice we can do is fail to give a boy an invitation to take advantage of all that Scouting has to offer.

21 Supplemental Training Youth Protection Training Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills Wood Badge for the 21st Century Boy Scout roundtables Advanced camping skills Climb On Safely Project COPE Youth Protection Training Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills Wood Badge for the 21st Century Boy Scout roundtables Advanced camping skills Climb On Safely Project COPE Passport to High Adventure Training Other local training Philmont Training Center Troop junior leader training Troop Annual Program Planning Conference Video support Powder Horn

22 Scoutmasters and assistant Scoutmasters need to attend Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills to be considered “trained.”

23 Boys Want Ceremony! Set the scene. Make it meaningful. Keep it simple. Involve the boy leaders. Set the scene. Make it meaningful. Keep it simple. Involve the boy leaders.

24 You can deliver the promise of Scouting! What will your action plan be?