How to get from the Nebraska Parking lot to the Mary Graydon Center
Mary Graydon Center Park in the Nebraska Parking Lot and walk to the Mary Graydon Center.
If you’re heading east on Nebraska Avenue, turn right into the Nebraska Parking lot.
Entrance to the Nebraska Parking Lot when going east on Nebraska Avenue
If coming west on Nebraska Ave., take a left at the light directly past the Nebraska Ave. Parking Lot entrance.
Turn left into the Nebraska Parking Lot, the entrance is your first left.
Pay Parking Fee
Cross Nebraska Avenue at the cross walk, continue walking straight onto American University’s Campus
Continue walking straight past the University Library. Directly past the Library turn right on the sidewalk, the Mary Graydon Center will be on your left.
If you are meeting in room 4 or 5: After entering the Mary Graydon Center, turn left. Go to the end of the hall, rooms 4 and 5 are through the door on your right.
If you are meeting in either room 200 or 245: After entering the Mary Graydon Center, take the staircase that is in front of you.
For room 200: At the top of the stairs turn left. There are doors on either side of room 200.
For room 245: Turn right at the top of the staircase. Room 245 is the first room on the left side of the hall.