Nebraska Risk and Protective Factor Student Survey Results for 2003, 2005, & 2007: Behavioral Health Region 1 and the State of Nebraska Profile Reports.


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Presentation transcript:

Nebraska Risk and Protective Factor Student Survey Results for 2003, 2005, & 2007: Behavioral Health Region 1 and the State of Nebraska Profile Reports September 2008 Results for 2003, 2005, & 2007: Behavioral Health Region 1 and the State of Nebraska Profile Reports September 2008 Prepared by: Mark DeKraai Felice Reddy Denise Bulling

Differences Between Panhandle Areas  No differences between I-80-accessible counties ( Deuel, Cheyenne, Kimball) and non-I-80-accessible counties (Banner, Box Butte, Dawes, Garden, Morrill, Scotts Bluff, Sheridan) in reported amount of past-30- day alcohol use, alcohol binge drinking, marijuana, LSD, cocaine, meth, inhalants, or cigarettes

Differences Between Panhandle Areas  There were no significant differences between Hwy 20 communities(Sheridan, Dawes, Sioux*) and non-Hwy 20 communities (Banner, Box Butte, Garden, Morrill, Scotts Bluff, Deuel, Cheyenne, Kimball) counties in the reported rates of alcohol binge drinking, or number of times the following drugs were used in the past 30 days: marijuana, LSD, cocaine, meth, or inhalants.

Differences Between Panhandle Areas  Significantly more students in Hwy 20-accessible counties reported smoking cigarettes in the past 30 days than in the non Hwy 20 counties

Differences Between Panhandle Counties  No significant differences in LSD, cocaine, meth use between counties  Significant difference in number of reported occasions of alcohol use in the past 30 days (Morrill county the lowest, Highest – 1. Sheridan, 2. Box Butte, 3. Kimball)  Significant difference between counties in frequency of reported binge drinking (Highest – 1. Sheridan, 2. Box Butte, 3. Kimball)  No significant differences in LSD, cocaine, meth use between counties  Significant difference in number of reported occasions of alcohol use in the past 30 days (Morrill county the lowest, Highest – 1. Sheridan, 2. Box Butte, 3. Kimball)  Significant difference between counties in frequency of reported binge drinking (Highest – 1. Sheridan, 2. Box Butte, 3. Kimball)

Differences Between Panhandle Counties  Significant difference between counties in number of students reporting marijuana use in the past 30 days (highest – Box Bute and Kimball; lowest – Garden and Cheyenne)  Significant difference in rate of reported past-30-day use of inhalants (highest – Banner)  Significantly higher rates of students reporting cigarette use in the past 30 days in Box Butte, Sheridan and Kimball Counties  Significant difference between counties in number of students reporting marijuana use in the past 30 days (highest – Box Bute and Kimball; lowest – Garden and Cheyenne)  Significant difference in rate of reported past-30-day use of inhalants (highest – Banner)  Significantly higher rates of students reporting cigarette use in the past 30 days in Box Butte, Sheridan and Kimball Counties

Ethnic/Gender Differences  No significant differences between Hispanic and non-Hispanic students in reported rates of alcohol, cigarette, or any drug use in the past 30 days  Male and female students reported equivalent frequencies of past-30-day usage of cigarettes, alcohol, and all drugs except males used more performance enhancers, steroids, prescription drugs & smokeless tobacco.  No significant differences between Hispanic and non-Hispanic students in reported rates of alcohol, cigarette, or any drug use in the past 30 days  Male and female students reported equivalent frequencies of past-30-day usage of cigarettes, alcohol, and all drugs except males used more performance enhancers, steroids, prescription drugs & smokeless tobacco.

Ethnic/Gender Differences  Female students reported significantly more occasions of prescription drug use in the past 30 days than male students  Male students in Region 1 reporting they drove drunk more often than female students  Female students reported significantly more occasions of prescription drug use in the past 30 days than male students  Male students in Region 1 reporting they drove drunk more often than female students

Relationship of Smoking to Drug Use  The earlier students started smoking, the more likely they are to have drunk alcohol in the past 30 days.  Students who smoke cigarettes and smoked marijuana in the past 30 days, the vast majority started cigarettes at a young age.  No relation between age at which initiated cigarette smoking and recent cocaine use.  The earlier students started smoking, the more likely they are to have drunk alcohol in the past 30 days.  Students who smoke cigarettes and smoked marijuana in the past 30 days, the vast majority started cigarettes at a young age.  No relation between age at which initiated cigarette smoking and recent cocaine use.

Relationship of Smoking to Drug Use  Strong correlation between early initiation of cigarette smoking and current heavy smoking  Strong positive correlation between number of times students report binge drinking in the past 30 days and number of times students report smoking cigarettes  Strong correlation between early initiation of cigarette smoking and current heavy smoking  Strong positive correlation between number of times students report binge drinking in the past 30 days and number of times students report smoking cigarettes

Relationship of Smoking to Drug Use  Strong positive correlation between number of occasions of drinking alcohol in the past month and past 30-day cigarette smoking.

Access to Alcohol, Cigarettes and Marijuana, Analyzed by County