Success in Nebraska Nebraska Career Connections, powered by Kuder® Launched statewide in System is supported by Partnerships for Innovation. Available free of charge to Nebraska students in public and private schools and the adult population. Provides educators, workforce development staff, and state leaders with important data and reporting capabilities.
Reliable Career Assessment. Portfolio Development. Educational Planning with Personal Learning Plans. Job Preparation. Data-Driven Decision Making. Bringing in Business & Industry Step 1: Provide educators with the necessary tools to help students create a roadmap to success.
Content tailored to individual occupational background and current needs. Systematic Five-Step Process: —Take Assessments. —Make a list of Occupations. —Consider Education or Training. —Get Ready for the Job Search. —Find a Job. Bringing in Business & Industry Step 2: Provide adults in career transition with the tools to prepare for new career options.
Create awareness with an online profile. Match extended learning opportunities to the best suited students and adults. Connect directly with well- prepared, motivated job candidates. Bringing in Business & Industry Step 3: Connect students and adults with local businesses and the opportunities that are right for them.
Kuder® Connect 2 Business® C2B allows students, adults, and businesses to connect. C2B improves school performance and postsecondary transitions by connecting the relevance of coursework to the world of work. To support the development of a talent pipeline, workforce preparation, and industry awareness, C2B allows employers to: —Create an online business profile. —Sponsor system content areas (i.e., clusters, pathways, and occupations). —Post Extended Learning Opportunities (ELOs) such as internships. —Post jobs to reach the best suited job candidates. —Send messages to individuals with the interests, skills, and work values that fit your needs.
C2B: Employer View
C2B: User View
How Can Your Chapter Help? Contact businesses in your community and surrounding communities. Ask your local Chamber of Commerce or Community Business organization to assist you with connecting business and industry with students in Nebraska Contact each business individually and help create their online profile. You can get a directory from your chamber. OR Ask the Chamber to help you by sending a letter to each business, stating that you will be creating an initial profile for them. The Chamber will send out letters sharing the opportunity with their business members You will create a profile for the business
Your assistance with the Connect 2 Business program for Nebraska Career Connections is truly helping to Build Bigger and Brighter Futures for all Nebraskans. Without business and industry’s contributions to the site, it is not complete. AND Without your help, this will not be possible. I applaud your efforts and thank you on behalf of all the users of Nebraska Career Connections. Sincerely Erika Volker Nebraska Career Connections THANK YOU!!!!