Partnerships in Articulation A Statewide Model for Entrepreneurship Education
or Building The Entrepreneurial State
How We Are Doing It Academically –Credit Courses Associates Degree Certificates –Non-Credit Courses –Secondary Education Community Outreach and Support –Research Tools –Incubators Business –Mentoring and Advising
The Non-Credit Side Several Sessions listed for Entrepreneurs –The Business Development Academy The Entrepreneurship Certificate –Jumpstart the Entrepreneur in You –Wi$e Women’s Institute New and Exciting stuff during National Entrepreneurship Week
Nebraska – The Big Picture The Reality –Declining Population –Over-reliance on single industry – Agriculture –Creating Culture of Hopelessness The Fix –Encourage Young People to Come Back –Support Small Business Development –Change the Culture
The Tom Osborne Initiative Personal Mission to Save Rural Nebraska Created a Nebraska Handbook & Resource Guide (see handout) Cultivate Next Generation of Opportunities Co-Author of National Entrepreneurship Week Proponent for NET Force – Nebraska Entrepreneurship Task Force
The Nebraska Entrepreneurship Task Force or NET Force Now the Nebraska Entrepreneurship Career Pathway Follows the Career Fields and Clusters Model Developed by the Nebraska Department of Education (see Handout)
Nebraska Career Education Model Nebraska Department of Education
Foundation Knowledge & Skills Career Field Career Cluster Career Pathway Nebraska Career Education Model Nebraska Department of Education
Career and Life Literacies Moving Beyond the Foundations Enhance the foundational skills, knowledge and attitudes and academic/career content to prepare individuals for success in lifelong learning, earning, and living.
Interwoven throughout academic & career education content Career and Life Literacies
Capacity to visualize ways to create and improve products, services and ideas Identifying and using resources efficiently and effectively Working in and building teams while maximizing the skills, talents, and strengths of team members Identifying the many career fields that offer entrepreneurial opportunities Career and Life Literacies
NET Force (cont) Create a Platform for All Nebraska Community College Collaboration Define Target –Traditional Student (only 3 of the 6 Community Colleges) –Trade enhanced –Current Business Owner Garner Support –Congressional reps –Local agencies –College Presidents and VP’s –Deans and Faculty Create Statewide Entrepreneurship Resources Develop Common Curriculum
Curriculum Creation Process Agreeing Upon All Criteria Within the Syllabi Giving instructors academic freedom within the syllabi Developing curriculum that met the needs of Nebraska Entrepreneurs as well as the needs of the Community Colleges Southeast Community College received Internal Perkins Grants to create curriculum View other curriculum Johnson County Community College Springfield Tech Community College Instructor Input
How Long Did it Take? 1 year to write –This included creating committees for each specialty, writing, presenting to the group, and rewriting Additional 6 months for approval by Chief Instructional Officers
The Syllabi Introduction to Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Opportunity Analysis Marketing for the Entrepreneur Entrepreneurship Legal Issues Entrepreneurship Taxes and Financial Topics Entrepreneurship Business Plan Syllabi and Sample Exercises – Can be sent electronically upon request
Associates Degree and Certificate Associates of Applied Science Degree –109.5 Quarter/73 Semester hour –North Central Accredited –ACBSP Accredited Certificate –36 Quarter/24 Semester hour See Handout for course lists
Lifelong Learning Model
Entrepreneurship National Standards Entrepreneurship Education Standards Entrepreneurship Education Consortium (hand out)
Articulation and Dual Credit Introduction to Entrepreneurship in many High School throughout Nebraska (various course titles) Dual Credit Options –Intro to Entrepreneurship –Entrepreneurship Opportunity Analysis –Marketing for the Entrepreneur Statewide effort allows for enhanced student opportunities
Articulations UP All CC Curriculum was sent to all 4 year Institutions in Nebraska Current agreements –3 of the 4 State Colleges –3 Privates (with more in the works) –Still under review at the Universities (hopefully I will have an answer by the symposium from our inside source) –Certificate agreement with Massage Therapy Schools, Hair College and some Nursing Schools
Next Steps Integration of Curriculum up and down Work with 4-H EntrepreneurShip Investigation (ESI) program to create:
Questions ???
Thank you Tim Mittan Director Entrepreneurship Southeast Community College 265 S 68 th St Pl Lincoln, NE (402) Gregg Christensen Entrepreneurship and Career Education Specialist Nebraska Department of Education 301 Centennial Mall South Lincoln, NE (phone)