1 Nebraska’s Pathway to Early Learning Guidelines
2 Child Care & Development Fund (CCDF) Federal Requirements Voluntary Early Learning Guidelines In early literacy and math For ages 3 to 5 Align with State’s K-12 standards Implement by Fall 2005
3 Nebraska Partnership Nebraska Health & Human Services Nebraska Department of Education Nebraska Head Start Association Head Start-State Collaboration Office Early Childhood Training Center
4 Critical Components of Early Learning & Development Safe, supportive environments Health & nutrition needs met Relationships to support positive social and emotional development
5 Critical Components of Early Learning & Development Experiences to support -curiosity & exploration -language, literacy, math; plus -development across all domains Support & respect for family and cultural context
6 Early Learning Guidelines: Nebraska’s Intent Resource for planning For early childhood caregivers, teachers, parents and others who work with young children, including children with disabilities
7 Early Learning Guidelines: Nebraska’s Intent What to expect or look for in the development and learning of young children What adults can do to support learning for all children across domains of development and learning
8 Early Learning Guidelines: Nebraska’s Intent Include Birth – Age 5 Include Multiple Domains Align with Multiple Standards Develop comprehensive support system Build on current state EC initiatives
9 Birth – Age 5 Important to represent continuum of development and learning Broad-based expectations (outcomes) Ages 3 to 5 printed January 2005 Birth to 3 available January 2006
10 Multiple Domains Social & Emotional Development Approaches to Learning Health & Physical Development Language & Literacy Development Mathematics Science Creative Arts
11 Elements of each domain: Introduction & Key Elements Widely Held Expectations Learning in Action: Examples for Child and Adult The Environment Alignments w/Standards Strategies to Support Inclusive Environments
13 Examples of Strategies to Support Inclusive Practices Divide skills and behaviors into smaller steps Provide choices so children have more control over their environment Use appropriate verbal, visual, and physical cues in interactions and activities to meet the special needs of individual children
14 Examples of Strategies to Support Inclusive Practices (cont.) Use vocabulary and phrases in the child’s native language when introducing new ideas/concepts Assure that materials in indoor and outdoor environments are easily accessible (height, size, location) Provide physical guidance/support for children having difficulty with motor tasks
15 Examples of Strategies to Support Inclusive Practices (cont.) Provide good models of communication, including sign language and other alternative methods Use special or adaptive devices and/or processes to increase level of communication and/or participation Simplify a complicated task by breaking it into smaller parts or reducing the number of steps
16 Examples of Strategies to Support Inclusive Practices (cont.) Use shorter but more frequent activities and routines Encourage hands-on and sensory experiences such as touching, holding, exploring, tasting, smelling, and manipulating Adapt the environment to promote participation, engagement, and learning using a variety of textures
17 Align with Multiple Standards Aligns with: Nebraska State K-12 Standards –Reading/Writing, Science, Social Studies/History, Mathematics Nebraska Rule 11 EC Regulations Head Start Outcomes Framework
18 Align with Multiple Standards Reflects: Primary Program: Growing and Learning in the Heartland Nebraska Rule 51 SPED Regulations P-16 Initiative
19 Meeting the Diverse Needs of All Children Individual personality, temperament and learning style Experiences and family background, including language, culture, ethnicity, etc. Special health considerations
20 Meeting the Diverse Needs of All Children (cont.) Food allergies Physical or cognitive disabilities Preferences based on child and family interests
21 Strategies to Support Children with Disabilities Provide adaptive equipment and materials when the child needs support Provide adult assistance/support as the child initiates action, then reduce support when the child shows ability to do some actions independently Provide opportunities for interaction with typically developing peers
22 Strategies to Support Children with Disabilities (cont.) Modify materials and activities so the child can participate as independently as possible Utilize peers as models, helpers, and friends to provide praise and encouragement Assure that child care homes, centers, and preschool environments meet the needs of all children
23 Strategies to Support Children with Disabilities (cont.) Ensure that naturally occurring events, such as opportunities to use materials both independently and cooperatively, are purposefully arrange so the child has learning opportunities Add new and/or specific activities as needed to meet individual needs Provide visual supports (pictures, drawings, labels, color coding, picture schedules, etc.)
24 Additional Supports Print Resources Category: Where All Belong-Celebrating Children’s Diversity and Special Needs Early Learning Guidelines Definitions –Inclusive language/terminology –Accommodations/modifications –Adaptations
25 Implementation State and local conferences Mailing and ongoing distribution: beg. Jan Awareness training in regions: 2005 Training of Trainers: Fall and 6-hour Domain Specific training: beg. Jan Support and resources: online and print
26 Implementation Linkages Curriculum planning tool for state- funded early childhood programs Support document for early childhood outcomes: Results Matter in Nebraska
27 Developing a Comprehensive Support System Core Knowledge and Competencies Professional Development Support Program Practices and Environment Parent Involvement and Support Public Awareness and Engagement
28 Nebraska’s Desired Outcome Support learning and development of all young children Improve quality of early childhood care and education in Nebraska
29 For More Information… Jan Thelen Jeanine Huntoon