The Electric Utility Industry in Nebraska presented to: Nebraska Chamber of Commerce and Industry January 30, 2014 Timothy J. Burke VP, Customer Service & Public Affairs Omaha Public Power District John McClure General Counsel Nebraska Public Power District
Nebraska Electric Utility Structure Type# Utilities Municipal Utilities 121 Public Power Districts 32 Electric Cooperatives
Nebraska Generation Capacity Megawatts Under construction or planned Coal-43% Gas-19% Oil-4% Nuclear-13% Hydro-3% Wind-17% Biomass-<1% Other fossil-1% Carbon-free 33%
Items of note… Utilities have self- imposed renewable energy goals and are meeting or exceeding them. Wind energy installation in Nebraska has quadrupled since Current and proposed wind energy investment is more than $2 billion.
Generating Capability Peak Demand Nebraska Electric Utility Generation Utilization (2011) Megawatts 15% includes regulatory requirement
2014 Projected Industrial Rate Co mparison 16% U.S. 7.07₵ Region 6.62₵ Nebraska 5.90₵ Cents per Kilowatt-Hour 11% LES, OPPD, NPPD
Nebraska Electric Reliability Measures (2012) Nebraska Region Total # Customer Outages / Customers Ser v ed Customer Outage Time / Customers Serv ed Minutes per year Outages per year
Customer Satisfaction for Public Power In 2013, 12 out of the 15 top scores were awarded to public power utilities OPPD has achieved the highest score in the Midwest mid- size region for the last 13 years Public power utilities generally have high satisfaction ratings JD Power & Associates conducts the industries most extensive customer satisfaction survey including the 126 largest electric utilities in the U.S.
Objectives: Support local business retention and expansion efforts. Promote/Market Nebraska as business growth and expansion location. Provide economic development expertise, services and training to local economic developers. Economic Development Public power utilities have a long history of involvement in local, regional and state chamber organizations and activities
Public Boards Public boards are directly accountable to the electric customer-owners they serve Customers have direct access to the boards on a frequent basis Board members receive the same level of service as their customer-owners Public utility board have consistently demonstrated that they are responsive to customer-owners