Writing Award Nominations NNA Convention Linda L. Lazure, PhD, RN October 18, 2014
Disclosure Dr. Linda L. Lazure, PhD, RN has listed no financial interest/arrangement that would be considered a conflict of interest.
Objectives Identify key points in writing an award nomination Practice writing a winning award nomination.
Why did I get asked to do this? I believe in recognizing folks – District II Celebrate Nursing Brunch – Board of Health Chair – community awards – Associate Dean for Student Affairs - students Was always the person nominating faculty Made part of my job description I can’t say “no” to Terry Anderson and Lynnee Pattrin
Example: 40 Under 40 Describe specific significant or unique contributions the Nominee has made to the nursing profession through leadership. (30 points). Provide information which describes specific contributions the Nominee has made to the nursing profession by providing leadership in community affairs, nursing professional organizations and/or has assisted others to grow and develop in this area. (20 Points). Describe how the Nominee positively promotes and advances the profession of nursing in the community (local/global) through volunteerism or outreach efforts. (10 points) Describe involvement in legislative work, policy development (10 points).
Example – 40 Under 40 Specific significant or unique contributions to the nursing profession through leadership. (30 points). Awards (e.g., NNA, teaching award from students) Degrees (does not have to have a bunch) Leadership positions (selected, elected, volunteered) Contributions to practice, scholarly dissemination NNA membership (professional organizations)
Example – 40 Under 40 Specific contributions to the nursing profession by providing leadership in community affairs, nursing professional organizations and/or has assisted others to grow and develop in this area. (20 Points). “This nominee is a member of [X], [Y], and [Z]. She was an invited speaker at the 2013 Nebraska [X] conference. Her dedication and activism related to assuring universal vaccinations illustrates her potential to achieve positive population outcomes. While at [X], she was an active leader working with various committees: RN scheduling committee (minimize required bonus shifts); shared governance Unit-based Council; education committee; task force to eliminate central venous catheter infections via a floor wide performance improvement project; linen committee’s green team initiative to help eliminate 100k in costs; and a skin ulcer prevention task force.”
Example – 40 Under 40 Describe involvement in legislative work/ policy development (10 pts). “She has contributed to policy development and outcome improvement in her workplaces and in the community. She has lobbied and written letters to her state senator regarding removal of the IPA for NPs and for the meningococcal vaccination mandate for 6-7th graders. She is a rising star.”
Example: NNA Hall of Fame Memorial to legacy of nurses who have brought honor to profession and Nebraska Sustained, lifelong contributions NNA/ANA member with NE connections Achievements value endures beyond lifetime
Past Hall of Fame Recipients Madeleine Leininger Barbara Braden Karen Martin
Example: NNA Awards Nurse of the Year Outstanding Achievement in Nursing Distinguished Service Outstanding New Nurse Outstanding Staff Nurse Outstanding Nurse Educator
Nurse of the Year Outstanding achievement over 1 year period Must be directly involved in nursing: – clinical practice, – education, – administrator – research Have made a positive impact on quality of nursing care or the nursing profession
NNA Awards Simple criteria: Please indicate why the nominee is deserving of this NNA Award CV or resume may be attached, but is not required
NNA OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT IN NURSING AWARD Achievement in nursing over a cumulative number of years. Must be evidence of distinguished contribution to nursing at the local, state, or national levels.
NNA DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD Nominee's service to the NNA at the state, local, or national level.
NNA OUTSTANDING NEW NURSE AWARD Outstanding achievement in nursing RN practicing for five years or less since graduation from a basic nursing program
NNA OUTSTANDING STAFF NURSE AWARD Achievement in nursing by a nurse providing direct patient care. Recognized for nursing expertise provided in a caring, professional manner.
NNA OUTSTANDING NURSE EDUCATOR AWARD Achievement by a nurse whose primary role is as an educator. Must be directly involved in patient education, nursing education, continuing education or staff development. Recognizes innovation and expertise in the educator role.
Why don’t YOU write an award nomination?
Objection: I can’t write well enough
Objection: I don’t deserve it.
Objection: I was taught to never brag
Objection: I can’t suggest myself – I’ll look pushy and not humble.
Objection: Someone else will nominate that person.
I don’t have time Who does????
Tips for Writing Nominations Use the words found in the criteria Make sure key phrases appear in nomination Consult past nominations Be concise and not flowery Spellcheck! Proofread! Have someone else critique what you wrote
Objection: I’ve never written a nomination before Ever hear of self-efficacy? Bandura: Social Cognitive Theory /self_efficacy.htm “A person’s belief in his or her ability to succeed in a particular situation” Once you have done anything once, it’s easier to do it again!
You are going to write a nomination now That will take away the “never done it” excuse Pretend that you are nominating yourself Don’t be shy or falsely modest You won’t have to share this today
Specific contributions to the nursing profession through leadership. Awards (e.g., NNA, practice award) Degrees (or not) Leadership positions (selected, elected, volunteered) Contributions to practice, profession NNA membership (professional orgs)
So how do we get each other recognized? Create more awards Pay attention to the current awards – Google nursing, other organizations for awards – Criteria Reflect back in narrative Use the same words – Deadlines Just do it!
Does this person deserve an award? People need me…they depend on me. We’re doing something important here. And knowing that gives me the energy to carry the sack, lead the pack, and keep coming back. --Santa Claus