Environmental Geotechnology Bioremediation of Nebraska Sites Adam Charlesworth Lorato S. Tshaakane_Ditiro
History of Site Used by Blaine Naval Ammunition In the 1942 for 15 years Producing U.S Navy ammunition
Problems Contaminates of Ground water by plumes Mostly TCE (Trichloroethylene) Contaminate does not pass the confining clay layer
Solutions Use the In-situ Bioremediation method - Breaking living organism to a less toxic substance
Method Horizontal well installed down to the contaminates. Natural gas & triethyl phosphate (TEP) injected through the wells Indigenous micro-organisms rise
Method (Continuos) Micro-organisms produce enzymes to metabolise methane One of the produced enzymes breaks TCE down to the TCE-epoxide.
Method (Continuos) TCE - epoxide breaks further into carbon dioxide and chloride salts
Why Bioremediation method It is Cheaper methods depletes the ground water as well
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