Nebraska The Cornhusker State WELCOMES TCCE\TEA\TUG 2009 September 22 th - 30 th, 2009
2 History Originally inhabited by several Native American tribes –original tribes: Pawnee, Omaha, Ponca & Oto –immigrated tribes: Lakota, Arapaho & Cheyenne Organized as a territory on May 30, 1854 Entered Union on March 1, 1867 becoming the 37 th state State constitution adopted on October 12, 1875
3 Geography Located in Midwest Region of the United States Surrounded by 6 states: Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, South Dakota and Wyoming Major Rivers: Missouri, Niobrara, Platte, and Republican Major Lakes: Lewis & Clark, Harlan County, and C.W. McConaughy Highest summit: Panorama Point 5,424 feet Capital city: Lincoln Largest city: Omaha Other major cities: Norfolk, Columbus SD MO KS CO WY IA
4 Land & People The area of Nebraska is 76,872 sq. mi. The population was 1,768,331 in Omaha 419,545 -Lincoln 241,167 -Memorial Stadium 85,123 Median Age: 35.3 yrs.
5 State Symbols State Bird: Meadowlark State Flower: Goldenrod State Tree: Cottonwood State Grass: Little Bluestem
6 Resources, Agriculture & Industry Natural Resources More varieties of grasses for foraging than in any other state Sand, gravel and limestone Petroleum & natural gas Agriculture Livestock –dairy cows –hog production Crops –wheat –sorghum –corn Industry Food Processing Manufacturing –car parts –phone equipment –industrial machinery
7 Famous People From Nebraska Malcolm X Civil Rights Activist Red Cloud Native American Rights Activist Warren Buffet Investor Gerald Ford President
8 …and of course Kool-Aid Dude Sugary Fruit Drink Activist Present
9 …But where are we staying The home of Buffalo Bill (William F. Cody)
10 Double Wide Inn of Omaha
11 Register Early
12 Register Early
13 Register Early
14 Possible Outings
15 Possible Outings
16 Possible Outings
17 Dress for the weather
18 Husker Fans
19 Beautiful Nebraska
20 Beautiful Nebraska