CAEP CONFIDENTIAL copyright 2009 CAEP LLC 112 Lincoln Ave. E Fergus Falls MN W HAT TO EXPECT Placements in more than 20 states Learn about American agricultural practices and experience American rural life Stipend: $900-$1400 per month depending on program hours per week depending on season Room and board conditions vary, however most hosts have accommodations near the training site Must have some experience with the program area you are selecting or have a degree in that area
CAEP CONFIDENTIAL copyright 2009 CAEP LLC 112 Lincoln Ave. E Fergus Falls MN P LACEMENT L OCATIONS 133 Hosts in the USA
CAEP CONFIDENTIAL copyright 2009 CAEP LLC 112 Lincoln Ave. E Fergus Falls MN P LACEMENT A REAS Dairy Swine Poultry Mink Field Crops Custom Harvesting Citrus Apiary Soil Testing
CAEP CONFIDENTIAL copyright 2009 CAEP LLC 112 Lincoln Ave. E Fergus Falls MN L IVESTOCK Placements year round Dairy, Beef, Swine, Poultry, Mink General skills learned: Care of animals, feed rations and nutrition, environmental controls, health monitoring and veterinary care, farm management techniques, farm equipment use and repair, breeding and maintenance of herd
CAEP CONFIDENTIAL copyright 2009 CAEP LLC 112 Lincoln Ave. E Fergus Falls MN F IELD C ROPS Seasonal Placements: April-November Operations are between 3000 and acres Some of the training may include: Crop rotation management, weed identification, Seed, fertilizer and crop protection decisions, farm bookkeeping, marketing of crops including options and forward contracting, operation of farm machinery and on road vehicles. Maintenance and repair of farm machinery. harvesting and drying of crops, time management
CAEP CONFIDENTIAL copyright 2009 CAEP LLC 112 Lincoln Ave. E Fergus Falls MN C USTOM H ARVESTING Seasonal Placements from April- November Harvesting starts in Texas and ends at the Canadian boarder so you see nearly all the “heartland” of the United States Must be comfortable living in small spaces as you will be traveling with any others Training may include: Operate and take part in harvest and field work in the most efficient manner possible, Learn general maintenance skills, Marketing of crops. Operation and maintenance of farm machinery and road vehicles. Harvesting of crops. Exposure to field testing of new combines and headers.
CAEP CONFIDENTIAL copyright 2009 CAEP LLC 112 Lincoln Ave. E Fergus Falls MN S OIL TESTING SEASONAL PLACEMENTS Currently Midwest Independent Soil Samplers (MISS) is one of the largest independent soil sampling businesses in the U.S. providing soil collection services, soil characteristic identification, and soil condition assessment for the ag production community. MISS provides quality work done in a timely manner at a competitive price, allowing the cooperatives to utilize the most advanced technologies for their variable rate program. Several years ago, MISS reached the 2,000,000 acre mark in grid soil sampling. MISS has worked in a dozen states west of the Mississippi River from the Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico. Primarily, we soil sample in Southern Minnesota, Iowa, Eastern South Dakota, Eastern North Dakota, Nebraska, Northern Kansas and Northern Missouri. The soil sampling staff is comprised of four full time area managers that lead the soil sampling crew. In addition we have five permanent and five temporary soil samplers. In the past we have had a large number of college interns for the summer and fall soil sampling seasons. We have seen a large decrease in the applicants because colleges are encouraging students to complete their coursework in four years.
CAEP CONFIDENTIAL copyright 2009 CAEP LLC 112 Lincoln Ave. E Fergus Falls MN C ITRUS Seasonal placements during the winter months All of our citrus placements are in FLORIDA. We currently are using three operations that are giving a trainee a good insight to direct marketing of their crops. Some of the training may include: Grading, sizing, packing, stacking fruit as well as stacking the gift packages on the truck. Training will include equipment safety, citrus care, and crop education.
CAEP CONFIDENTIAL copyright 2009 CAEP LLC 112 Lincoln Ave. E Fergus Falls MN A PIARY Seasonal and year long placements Two of our hosts are in Hawaii and both of them are raising queen bees for North American beekeepers. We have beekeepers for fruit or almond tree pollination and honey production. Skills learned may include: professional handling of beehives which include feeding beehives, beehive nutrition, movement of beehives, and learning about location site needs at different times of the year. Trainee will learn to operate machinery, observe business management and taught pricing of honey on the market and pollination contracts dealing with fluctuating prices.
F OR MORE INFORMATION ON THE A GRICULTURE P ROGRAM, PLEASE CONTACT : Coordinator: Maja Behrens mbehrens1 (Skype) ext. 3516