Right of Way Participation in the Project Development Process A Small State’s Perspective Presented by: Randy Needham ROW Manager Nebraska Department of Roads May 18, 2005
2004 ROW FACTS ROW Design, Appraisal and Negotiations ItemQuantityValue Parcels designed, appraised, reviewed, negotiated756$14,221,212 Parcels acquired by negotiated settlement 86%633$ 8,848,120 Parcels acquired by condemnation 14%123$ 5,373,092 Local Public Agency Projects assisted by ROW ItemQuantityValue Parcels acquired by Local Agencies for local projects 347$19,639,397
2004 ROW FACTS Property Management ItemValue Rents and Leases$233, Oil and Gas Leases$ 12, Control of Access Sales$ 91, Land Sales$117, Building Sales$ 51, Total:$506, Item Quantity Right of Way Permits Issued (Access Control 29, All Others 948)977 Highway Relinquishments and Abandonments filed11
2004 ROW FACTS Relocation Assistance Item Quantity Families displaced from their residence8 Businesses displaced from their locations4 Tracts with personal property only displaced6 Total of all payments made to those displaced$186, Highway Beautification Item Quantity Junkyard Permits Renewed39 New Advertising Sign Permits199 Advertising Sign Permits Renewed2,502
2004 ROW FACTS Right of Way Division Staffing Area of ResponsibilityNumber Division Administration4 ROW Design22 Appraisal15 Negotiation17 Relocation Assistance1 Property Management6 Highway Beautification2 Total67
Louisville-Springfield N-50 Corridor Study STPD-50-2(125) Control Number Control Number Louisville Mobile Home Area Study Led by: Jim Wilkenson, PE NDOR Corridor Studies Engineer
Project Scope: Widen Highway from 2 Lanes to 4 Lanes Which Side? State Recreation Area Residential Area (17 residences on 3 acres) City of Louisville BNSF RR Businesses 4 Residences 2 City Wells High School 7 Residences Entrance to City City Storage Buildings
If City Side – what impacts? Car Wash Business $60,000 2 Frame Houses $200,000 City Well – old, not critical X X X X City Building (metal shed) $50,000 1 Garage $10,000 X X X X X X 2 mobile homes and 2 frame houses $224,000 Estimated $544,000 Total – plus other impacts shown on next slides
City Side – spacing problem at entrance to city new lanes on city side would have to squeeze between the existing highway and corner businesses – causing closure of nearest driveways and circulation problems for businesses 100’
City Side – additional impacts in the city BNSF opposes a shorter rail yard High School ball field 4(f) impact
City Side – additional impacts farther north Just north of the city, there is one home/business (a bar) that would be acquired if additional lanes are placed on the city (east) side. $100,000 X
City Side – additional impacts farther south In the southwest part of the city, there is a deep ravine on the city (east) side which would require significant earthwork and additional project costs.
If Park Side – what impacts? State Recreation Area 5 mobile homes and 2 frame houses $365,000 estimated X X X X X X X 2 acres park land mitigation required $60,000 $425,000 Total
Study Team Prefers Park Side Property values show it is the best solution. $425,000vs.$544,000 and additional significant impacts on the city side X X X X X X X The Park is agreeable to mitigation. The community favors expanding to the Park side The community favors expanding to the Park side.