Experience the Power of DEED
Established to address the critical gap in R&D specific to the needs of public power.
The "eta" is a Greek letter adopted by scientists to denote efficiency and is the symbol of the DEED program.
DEED MEMBERSHIP 1980: 122 DEED Charter Members 2009: 660 DEED Members
The DEED program provides direct, tangible and transferable benefits to its members. Through DEED, APPA systems pool their resources to fund research, development and demonstration projects at member utilities.
Since its inception, DEED has provided over $7 million in grants and scholarships to advance the technology, efficiency and best practices of public power.
The 12 member DEED Board of Directors meets semi-annually to set policy and award grants and scholarships
DEED Funding In 1980, its first year, 15 grant projects were funded for $265,246. In 2008, 18 grant and 13 scholarship projects were funded for $732,816. More than $7 million awarded in project funding to DEED members since 1980.
RESULTS 336 completed projects 58 current projects
RESULTS An 8-volume series of safety training videos/DVDs specifically designed by and for public power utilities. The videos reinforce the APPA Safety Manual and OSHA standards. SafetySmart Video Series DEED Member Sponsor: Peru Utilities, Indiana
Streetlighting Best Practices – American Municipal Power-Ohio sponsored this DEED project to increase the safety of street lighting by developing a best practices manual, guidelines and training program for streetlight design, construction, operation and maintenance. In addition to the 111-page manual, a five-module training tutorial is available via a special Web site link. Streetlighting Best Practices – American Municipal Power-Ohio sponsored this DEED project to increase the safety of street lighting by developing a best practices manual, guidelines and training program for streetlight design, construction, operation and maintenance. In addition to the 111-page manual, a five-module training tutorial is available via a special Web site link. RESULTS
RESULTS The Public Power Lineworker Do you Have What it Takes? This high-quality DVD was designed as a recruiting tool for public power lineworkers. It is perfect for showcasing the lineworker career opportunities that exist in public power towns across the country. The video is a great tool for vocational programs, guidance counselors, community events, job fairs, utility offices, and more. Running time approx. 9 minutes.
RESULTS Reliability Tracker Software 6.2 Updated in 2007 Original DEED Member Sponsor was Municipal Electric Systems of Oklahoma (MESO) Helps utilities track reliability & develop reports & graphs using SAIDI, SAIFI, ASAI, and CAIDI indices. New features include tracking, graphing, & comparing 4 years of data; New executive summary style year-end report; and a simplified process for creating a new year & viewing year-end reports. Ability to update previous versions of the APPA Reliability 5.1 software
RESULTS An e-learning course for anyone communicating about energy with a customer. Free for DEED members $135/person for non DEED member employees. Solving your Customer’s Energy Concerns DEED Member Sponsor: Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD)
RESULTS RESULTS PowerWorld Simulator Developed through a partnership with Power System Engineering Research Consortium in A graphics-based program that models power system operations The simulation software can be used to show power flows on the transmission system, or to model an individual utility’s distribution system.
DEED Scholarship funding Each year up to ten, $4,000 student research grants and internships are awarded to students working with a DEED member sponsor.
DEED Digest, the program’s quarterly newsletter, keeps members up to date on industry research and projects being conducted through the program.
The DEED Project Database A quick and easy way to gain access to information on completed and current DEED funded projects Learn about DEED projects & print summaries & reports Exclusively Available to DEED Members!
DEED Energy Innovator Award This award recognizes programs that provide better service to electric customers or projects that increase the efficiency of utility operations.
DEED Award of Continued Excellence The Award of Continued Excellence recognizes a DEED member that has demonstrated continued commitment to the DEED program and its ideals.
For more information contact the DEED Program Manager, Michele Suddleson at or
DEED’s 30 th Anniversary (1980 – 2010) Celebrating a 30 Year Commitment to: Energy innovation and efficiency Cutting edge technologies and research Practical research and technology for public power utilities