Malcolm X By: Eurana LaV Ricks May 28, 2010
Childhood Original name – Malcolm Little Born in 1925 in Nebraska His family was poor. He lived in foster homes
Conversion Went to prison for robbery from 1946 to He joined the Nation of Islam. It combined elements of Islam with black nationalism. Quit smoking and gambling and refused to eat pork. Spent long hours reading Changed his last name to “X”
The nation of Islam Began organizing temples for the Nation in New York, Philadelphia, and Boston and in cities in the South. He founded the Nation’s newspaper, Muhammad Speaks. Articulated the Nation’s racial doctrines on the inherent evil of whites and the natural superiority of blacks.
Ministry Minister of Boston Temple No.11 Minister of Temple No. 7 in Harlem. National Representative of the Nation of Islam, second in rank to Muhammad himself.
Civil Rights Movement Ma lcolm urged that the Nation become more active in the widespread civil rights protests of just being a critic on the sidelines. Malcolm left the Nation in March On Feb. 21, 1965, Malcolm was assassinated. Malcolm X expressed the pent-up anger, frustration, and bitterness of African Americans during the major phase of the civil rights movement from 1955 to Preached on the streets of Harlem and spoke at major universities. Criticized the mainstream civil rights movement, challenging Martin Luther King Jr. Most important issues were black identity, integrity, and independence. Ma lcolm urged his followers to defend themselves “ by any means necessary”. Helped to charge the terms used to refer to African American from “ Negro “ and “ coloured” to “ black” and “ Afro- American”
Research All information is from : X X