1 Grain Group Make half your grains whole MyPyramid Tips Meet the Grain Group
Reduces risk of heart disease Decreases incidence of constipation Helps with weight management
Let’s learn about... MyPyramid grain recommendations Whole grain vs. refined grain Label reading
Let’s learn about... MyPyramid recommendations Whole grain vs. refined grain Label reading
Eat six “1 ounce- equivalents” of grain products daily (for a 2,000 calorie diet)
1 ounce- equivalents 1 slice bread ½ cup cooked (pasta, rice or cereal) 1 cup “ready to eat” cereal 1 “mini bagel” ½ English muffin 1 small (2- ½ ” diameter) muffin 1 small (6”) flour or corn tortilla 3 cups popcorn
Find how many “1 ounce-equivalents” you need at
Let’s learn about... MyPyramid recommendations Whole grain vs. refined grain Label reading
GRAIN categories Whole grains Refined grains
Bran Endosperm Germ
Bran Endosperm Germ
Certain B Vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin & folic acid) Certain B Vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin & folic acid) The enriching process adds back: Iron
Bran: fiber & B vitamins Germ: vitamin E, B vitamins & antioxidants Endosperm: energy, carbohydrates & protein Whole grain XXX Refined grain X
1/2 ½ your grains should be whole grains
Whole wheat Whole oats/oatmeal Whole grain corn Popcorn Brown & wild rice Whole rye Whole grain barley Buckwheat Triticale Bulgur Millet Quinoa Sorghum
Let’s learn about... MyPyramid recommendations Whole grain vs. refined grain Label reading
“Whole” grain should be the FIRST ingredient listed Read the labels
New Whole Grain White Flours Hard White Whole Wheat Flour is stone ground from a new variety of wheat that is quickly growing in popularity. The slightly sweet taste, light texture, and creamy color after baking make it easy to introduce this whole wheat flour into breads for people who traditionally have eaten only white bread. Food reviewers give white whole wheat extremely high ratings. This is great choice for bread machine bakers.
… in descending order of weight with the heaviest ingredient listed first
Ingredients: wheat flour, water, high fructose corn syrup, molasses, wheat, bran… Ingredients: whole wheat flour, water, brown sugar… B A
Ingredients: wheat flour, water, high fructose corn syrup, molasses, wheat, bran… Ingredients: whole wheat flour, water, brown sugar… B A
L k for foods with greater % Daily Value of FIBER Note: % Daily Value = % DV
A B 3 g fiber 2 g fiber
A grain that is higher in fiber is likely higher in whole grains too! A B 3 g fiber 2 g fiber
BROWN color not always WHOLE grain Grains can be BROWN in color from MOLASSES or other ADDED ingredients, Some White claim to be whole grain.
Ingredients: Wheat flour, water, high fructose corn syrup, molasses, wheat bran … Example:
Foods are USUALLY NOT whole grain products if labeled with these words: Multi-grain Stone- ground 100% wheat Cracked wheat Seven-grain Bran
MyPyramid recommendations: Make ½ your grains whole Learn your personal MyPyramid grain recommendations at MyPyramid.gov Whole grain vs. refined grain WHOLE grains provide some nutrients not found in refined grains Label reading FIRST ingredient should be a WHOLE grain Choose grains higher in FIBER Grain Group Remember:
Reference Hennemen, A., Benes, B., & R. Campbell. ( n.d.) unlfoodadminjava.unl.edu/docs/whole-grains ppt as retrieved December 14, 2010.
Alice Henneman, MS, RD University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension Bev Benes, PhD, RD Nebraska Department of Education Roxanna Campbell, Dietetics Student Adapted from the research of: