Congress of Vienna
A series of meetings to... Create Peace in Europe (Winter of )
Five Great Powers Prussia -King Frederick William II Russia -Czar Alexander I Austria -Emperor Francis I England France
Klemens Von Metternich Attended the Congress of Vienna Believed that France’s democratic ideas were to blame for Napoleon’s reign
Metternich’s Three Goals Prevent France from attacking again Balance of Power in Europe Restore Europeans Royal Families
How did they prevent France from attacking again?
Read pg. 672 in the Big Blue Book. – Focus on the section entitled “The Containment Of France”
Answer: Alliances The areas around France combined to form alliances This prevented France from getting too big and powerful again It kept France in check Surround the big bully with bigger bullies
Examples Austria, The Netherlands, and the Dutch Republic combine to form the Kingdom of the Netherlands 39 German States combine to form the German Confederation Switzerland becomes its own country Kingdom of Sardinia adds Genoa
Controlling France... Why didn’t the Congress of Vienna break up France?
Yo, time to get your read on! Read pg. 673 in the Big Blue Book – Focus on the section entitled “Balance of Power”
Answer: Cool headed thinking! The C.O.V. didn’t want France to get mad and seek revenge in the Future If they broke France up, another country might take bits of it and become stronger than the rest They needed to create a nice BALANCE OF POWER!
Restoring Royal Families... What was the principle of legitimacy?
Read, you scurvy dogs!!! Check out pg. 673 in the Big Blue Book – Focus on the paragraph entitled “Legitimacy”
Answer: The hereditary right to rule! Remember, Metternich was a conservative – He wanted to restore the royal families that were displaced by revolution and by Napoleon This is called LEGITIMACY
Why was the Congress of Vienna successful?
You got it, READ! Read pg. 673 in good old Blue – Focus on the SECOND PARAGRAPH UNDER THE HEADING LEGITIMACY
Answer: Because… It was FAIR, it left no grudges Lots of COOPERATION Relative PEACE in Europe for years for most European Nations Creates a good BALANCE OF POWER
Long Term Effects.. A long period of Peace Increased power of Britain and Prussia Nationalism grew Independence in Latin American Colonies
But..because of the French Revolution democracy was still seen as the best way for everyone to be equal