Timor-Leste Update from a Security Prespective By Nelson Belo From NGO Fundasaun Mahein, Timor-Leste By Nelson Belo From NGO Fundasaun Mahein, Timor-Leste
TOPICS 1. Fundasaun Mahein (FM) 2. Timorese Security Institutions 3. Security Development 4. Resilience 5. Challenges & change Attitudes 6. End Words
FUNDASAUN MAHEIN The Guardian Foundation “Who Will Guard the Guardians?” Fundasaun Mahein Mission: “ To assist in increasing the legitimacy and capacity of the Timorese security sector through citizen participation in the development of relevant legislation, policies and procedures. ”
TL’S SECURITY INSTITUTIONS MDS-SNI SED-SES F-FDTL Dili, Bcu, Border areas PNTL Distt- sudist PNTL PR.-SCDS CSO, Veterans, Mag, and etc MP’s Cmt “B”
SECURITY SECTOR DEVELOPMENT Legislation Human Resources Infrastructure International Cooperation
RESILIENCE 2012 Election peace Political parties and Political factions have opportunity to have dialogue Media and Civil Society control
CHALLENGES PNTL MAGS/Ga ngs Language Barrier International Community Veteran Groups ‘Militarizati on’ The Crisis Occupation and Association with POLRI East/West Tension Traditional Justice Systems F-FDTL Rivalry Political parties Constitution and Laws of RDTL
PNTL ATTITUDES Police brutality Drugs Lack of community trust in the PNTL-> community reliance on vigilante methods Family member Gangs
CHALLENGES CONTINUED Heavy dependent to Oil $ Education System Justice System Not Strong Land Issue