Public Participation at the Local Level Daniel Klimovský Cluj Napoca, 6 February 2014
Agenda Public participation and public policy making Slovakia: fragmentation Survey: Does size matter?
Participation and legitimacy In search of legitimacy, public participation has become an attractive strategy targeted not only at improving the policy-making process, but also, at inducing “frustrated” citizens a certain feeling of trust in authorities and their consequent activities (Bishop and Davis, 2002)
Policy making and legitimacy Any public policy is legitimized if the citizens have a reason for complying with that policy or for its direct supporting (Fung, 2006)
Policy making cycle Implementing the policy Formulating the policy Assessing the policy Taking the decision Setting the policy agenda Policy making cycle
Public participation Gramberger, OECD (2001) – Information – Consultation – Active participation
Fragmentation vs. consolidation „Lithuanian approach“ Does size matter? Slovak case What are other relevant factors that influence the participation?
Legal framework Stages of Policy- Making Process Gramberger's (2001) Classification Tools Setting the policy agenda Information - obligatory publication (official communal panel) of communal board's program before its session - optional publication (communal broadcast, telecast, web-site, newspaper, etc.) of communal board's program before its meeting - publication of a report (minutes) of communal board's session Consultation - notices presented in the sessions of communal board (warnings and notices from the side of the deputies of communal board or mayor) - membership in various committees of communal board - involvement in the public opinion researches or opinion polls Active Participation - information call - meetings of citizens-voters with their deputies - proposals presented in the sessions of communal board or addressed to the mayor (complaints and other incentives from the side of communal residents) - residents' petitions - residents' demonstrative activities Formulating the policy Information - obligatory publication of communal board's program before its session - publication of a report (minutes) of a session of communal board (including presented proposals and counter proposals)
Survey Questionnaires in 12 selected municipalities: – Four size categories
Factor analysis Clear (statistically significant) differences between: – „classical“ participation tools – „modern“ participation tools
Part of „classical tools“
Size matters Size matters!!! Other significant factors: – Age – Locality of occupation instead of locality of permanent stay ???
Thank you for your attention