PRT/ OTTs and Mentor Teachers Introductory Workshop 2013
Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari, he toa takitini Success is not the work of one, but the work of many
Karakia Timatanga Haea te ata Ka hāpara te ata Ko korokī te manu Ka waiori te kutu Ko te ata nui Ka horonia He pō he pō He ao ka Awatea Appear the sunrise Appear the dawn The birds are chattering The beaks move The important early morning Spreading over the surface of the earth The dawn chorus From the night Comes forth daylight
Outline of day Welcome & Introductions Introduction to our pld 2013 Induction & Mentoring programmes Registration requirements Registered Teacher Criteria Teaching as Inquiry/ Mentoring as Inquiry Sharing / Networking Culturally Responsive Pedagogy Wind up (data, next workshops etc)
Mihimihi You may wish to include Ingoa - Name Kura - School PRT or mentor? Taumata ako - Year level you are teaching Number of students What you hope to get out of today
Mau ki te Ako : culturally responsive professional learning & development
Culturally responsive professional learning and development Teaching as Inquiry Culturally responsive pedagogy Quality Induction & Mentoring programmes resulting in PRTs meeting full registration requirements NZC – (National Standards & NCEA ) Sharing & networking
Delivery of our PLD 2 different forms of delivery e PRT Face to face workshops Can do either or both- e PRT designed for you to design your own PLD from the modules available Further support on PRT/OTT/Mentor website Facebook
Overview PRT/ mentor workshops Introductory Workshop (PRT/OTTs & mentors Primary & Secondary) Shared understanding of pld Quality mentoring & induction (M& I ) programmes – full registration requirements New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) Teaching as Inquiry, Culturally responsive pedagogy Networking & sharing Mentor Workshop ( all mentors including above ) Mentoring skills / Mentoring as Inquiry Networking & sharing Quality I & M programmes – full registration requirements
Overview PRT/ mentor workshops - continued Series of 2 different workshop for PRT/OTTs (workshop 2 builds on & extends workshop 1) 2 primary workshops, 2 secondary workshops Being a PRT Networking & sharing With PRTs teaching same age level – Primary workshops With PRTs teaching same learning areas – Secondary workshops Quality M & I programmes – registration Teaching as Inquiry Culturally responsive pedagogy I & M programmes / registration requirements / evidence NZC Including National Standards & your students – Primary Including Literacy & Numeracy requirements for NCEA – Secondary Topical issues
e PRT Primary pathway Secondary pathway Mentor pathway Design PLD that meets your immediate needs Save and use as part of I & M programme & evidence for full registration Registration details on our website e PRT
Quality Induction & Mentoring Programmes Teachers Council Teachers’ Council website
Quality I & M programmes Quiz As a table team aim to complete all questions (split up the task) Record page numbers for later reference
Quality I & M programmes An induction and mentoring programme is not a hierarchical structure, Rather, it is a collaborative approach between two or more teachers to explore, trial, question, reflect on, & evaluate ways of teaching to develop effective students learning. It involves sharing & demonstrating rather than instructing, and discussing rather than telling. P8 Towards Full Registration, Section 4 : Schools
Speaking the language : What do these initials stand for ? I & M PRT OTT TC RTC FTE NZC
Gaining Full Registration – Registered Teacher Criteria Draft evidence guidelines Self assessment tool Teachers’ Council resources
PRTs Class level groups Reflect on year so far Share - what’s going well what’s causing a few concerns how you are keep your documentation Mentors Share Induction & mentoring programmes planned Challenges in being a mentor How you handle associated paper work Look at the readings
Teaching as Inquiry / Mentoring as Inquiry New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) -What to teach -How to teach it Effective pedagogy p34-35
Teaching as Inquiry Further Information on Teaching as Inquiry is available - e PRT modules (Teaching as Inquiry and Launching your Teaching as Inquiry for everyone plus Mentoring as Inquiry for mentors ) Resource folder on our website TKI TKI TaITKI TaI
Mentoring as Inquiry Engaging in an inquiry into the effectiveness of your practice as a mentor
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
Gay (2000) defines culturally responsive teaching as: Using the cultural knowledge, prior knowledge, prior experiences, & performance styles of diverse students to make the learning more appropriate & effective for them: it teaches to and through the strength of these students.
Gay (2000) also describes culturally responsive teaching as having these characteristics: It acknowledges the legitimacy of the cultural heritages of different ethnic groups, both as legacies that affect students’ dispositions, attitudes, & approaches to learning & as worthy content to be taught in the formal curriculum It builds bridges of meaningfulness between home & school experiences as well as between academic abstractions & lived sociocultural realities
Gay (2000) also describes culturally responsive teaching as having these characteristics : It uses a wide variety of instructional strategies that are connected to different learning styles It teaches students to know & praise their own & each others’ cultural heritages It incorporates multicultural information, resources, and materials in all subjects & skills routinely taught in schools.
RTC overarching statements 1.Teachers play a critical role in enabling the educational achievement of all akonga/ learners. 2.The Treaty of Waitangi extends equal status & rights to Maori & Pakeha. This places a particular responsibility on all teachers in Aotearoa /New Zealand to promote equitable learning outcomes. 3.In an increasingly multi-cultural Aotearoa New Zealand, teachers need to be aware of and respect the languages, heritages and cultures of all akonga. 4.In Aotearoa /New Zealand, the Code of Ethics commits registered teachers to the highest standards of professional service in promoting the learning of those they teach.
Developing your induction and mentoring programme Activity 1.Independently fill in the sheet 2.Skim read the material 3.Share thoughts & reflections with group 4.Add anything else to sheet 5.On back record you reflections perhaps as a “so what now” for you
Reflection and planning Fill in workshop evaluation sheet Reflection on what to take back to school and next steps Next workshop details (next slide )
Karakia Whakamutunga Unuhia, unuhia Unuhia ki te uru, tapu nui Kia wātea, kia māmā, Te ngākau, te tinana, te wairua i te ara tangata Koia rā e Rongo, Whakairia ki runga Kia tina! Tina! Hui e! Tāiki e! Draw on, draw on, Draw on the supreme sacredness To clear, to free the heart, the body & the spirit of mankind Rongo, suspended high above us Draw together! Affirm!