Seven Tests Every Leader Must Face Dr. Bobby Hill
Every leader will face tests. Passing the test qualifies us to move up to the next level of leadership
1. The Test of Maturity Includes the testing of our heart, character, obedience, and faithfulness. Genesis 24 Dt 8:2
2. The Test of Calling Every leader’s calling will be tested Different kind of callings – Self-appointed – Man-appointed – God-appointed
3. The Test of Faith Hebrews 11:6 – faith pleases God James 1:3 – the testing of your faith
4. The Test of Opposition Criticism, betrayal, division, disloyalty Ezra 4:4 Acts 13:8 How should we handle? II Tim 2:25
5. The Test of Delegation Exodus 18; Jetro and Moses Delegate or stagnate When do we delegate a task? II Timothy 2:2
6. The Test of Servanthood Matthew 20:25 – Jesus cancelled the legitimacy of secular leadership styles. Leaders must learn to serve. Serving means putting the interests of others ahead of our own. Phil. 2:1-9
7. The Test of Identity The Performance Trap: if I perform God accepts me. What is my security based on? – My success or results? – Christ finished work We must redefine success.