WHO NGO Meeting Brussels 7-8 may 2009 Improving services for victims
AVR Improving services mai 09 Definition: victim Injured, related of killed and injured Friends, colleges, even neighbours…….. policemen, rescue people and hospital employees Is a road user who caused a crash ( by dangerous driving and/or disobeying the law also a « road traffic victim » ???
Which approach ? …..for an association to improve the services for victims AVR Improving services mai 09
Is a Mix of volunteers ……and professionals ….to recommend
AVR Improving services mai 09 An organisation of victims showing solidarity for victims
AVR Improving services mai 09 …………….and professionals Social team ( psy, almoner « assistante sociale » social worker, …………freelance ) Have to be payed ………….. and supervised by whom ?
AVR Improving services mai 09 Financial ressources Only possible with a longtime guarantee through convention with government Ex.:AVR 2/3 of budget through convention with Minister of Family ( from year 2000 up )
AVR Improving services mai 09 Adapted accessible rooms
AVR Improving services mai 09 But a good set up of a help center for victims is of no use if it is not known PR Marketing ( Internet,flyers, posters, « business » cards for police and rescue people, posters in hospitals and medical cabinets… ) Corporate idendity, Logo, Coalitions Presence in Media ( TV ) Road Danger Reduction Activities ( help making association known )
AVR Improving services mai 09
HELP WHERE;WHEN;WHAT……WHY Those who need help should know instantly where to get it and that it is serious Juridical; medecinal, administrative and practical immediate And MORAL ( PSY ) longtime HOT: Statut for victims house of deputies
AVR Improving services mai 09 Some statistics
AVR Improving services mai 09
. Les prises en charge par l’équipe de l’AVR : Le Centre d’assistance et de conseil de l’AVR a assisté 121 victimes de la route ou membres de leur entourage, dont 53 hommes et 68 femmes en Pour 71 de ces victimes, il s’agit d’un premier contact avec l’AVR.
AVR Improving services mai 09
Advantages Center for assistance and help:can be reached at any time Professionals know better and are still learning how to approach No financial problems ( even able to help poor victims by the membership fees and donations ) For victims it is sometimes very hard They prefer spending energy on « road danger reduction »
AVR Improving services mai 09 Some : Disadvantages Administrative charge ( contracts, work laws, control ) Have to show accounts to controllers of government ( but this is no real problem in fact, have nothing to hide) Sometimes victims prefer instantly speaking to other victims instead to « professionals » ( psy….. ) Get less donations as people prefer helping those associations who get no governemental support Trough the convention with the Minstry we have also to help victims who are « guilty » IS THIS A REAL PROBLEM ?
AVR Improving services mai 09