Urban Environmental Management Plans: The experience of ENVIPLANS project in South EU area Eriuccio Nora – Director Italian Local Agenda 21 Association.


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Presentation transcript:

Urban Environmental Management Plans: The experience of ENVIPLANS project in South EU area Eriuccio Nora – Director Italian Local Agenda 21 Association Maria Berrini – President Ambiente Italia

1 The South-EU Urban ENVIPLAN biennial project started at the beginning of 2005, co-financed by the European Commission’s Environment Directorate-General. The purpose of the project is to promote development, exchange and practical realization of experiences on the preparation of urban environment Management Plans and on integrated and sustainable approaches especially in Southern Europe, anticipating, refining and spreading the message of the European Strategy on urban environment. Partners: ENVIPLANS project: Guidelines for the implementation of Urban Environment Management Plans SOUTH-EU URBAN ENVIPLANS PROJECT Sevilla – March 22, 2007 Eriuccio Nora – Maria Berrini

SOUTH-EU URBAN ENVIPLANS PROJECT 2 ENVIPLANS main activities ►ENVIPLANS has promoted and coordinated the Research of Integrated Planning and management approach of urban environment in five urban areas defined Core Group and the exchange of ideas between approximately 30 cities from Italy, France and the Adriatic defined Advisory Group, helping out in identifying requisites and solutions needed in southern Europe. ► The Guidelines are the outcome of this work of exchange and partnership, developed with the participation of every administration involved in the project. ► the website to assure accessibility to all the results. Sevilla – March 22, 2007 Eriuccio Nora – Maria Berrini

SOUTH-EU URBAN ENVIPLANS PROJECT 3 ENVIPLANS participating cities Sevilla – March 22, 2007 Eriuccio Nora – Maria Berrini

SOUTH-EU URBAN ENVIPLANS PROJECT 4 Networking ENVIPLANS wants to create a network with the organizations leading the “sister” projects Liveable Cities and MUE25 to take advantage of the outcomes reached in each program to find a way to a common European approach. ENVIPLANS will establish a relationship of collaboration and exchange with all the projects financed by the European Union dealing with urban environment planning and thematic strategy in general. One of these projects will be IDEMS ( in which the Italian Local Agenda 21 Association participate as a partner. Sevilla – March 22, 2007 Eriuccio Nora – Maria Berrini

PROCESS, OUTCOMES, OUTPUTS AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENT 5 The Process The process of ENVIPLANS is articulated into: participated elaboration of the Guidelines testing in the 5 cities and urban area constituting the Core Group. A set of regional Workshops (6 in Italy, 4 in France, 2 in Croatia, 1 in Albania, 1 in Montenegro and 1 in Bosnia Herzegovina) were organized involving over 200 administrators and experts from cities members of the Advisory Group. Sevilla – March 22, 2007 Eriuccio Nora – Maria Berrini

PROCESS, OUTCOMES, OUTPUTS AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENT 6 The Outputs Guidelines Manuals on the preaudit 5 Specific road maps Training materials Promoting and supporting the realization of Urban Environment action/management Plans or cycles Southern Europe Local Authorities’ Administrators and experts The added value of this issues resides in the fact that they have been developed “in the field” via participation and approval of its end-users and based on the practical experiences from some of the most advanced local authorities in southern Europe. Sevilla – March 22, 2007 Eriuccio Nora – Maria Berrini

Core Cities Road Maps CA Ouest-Provence/Istres: give support to the Charte pour l’Environnement ( ), tackling the more critical issues for the co-operation of the CA. Padova: improve and strengthen the activities realized during with the Process (and Action Plan) of PadovA21. Firenze: wide-area A21 as an opportunity to emphasize environmental priorities within municipal (or wide area) strategies. Cosenza/Rende: strongly stimulate a real environmental planning, by integrating LA21 with the Strategic Plan. Rjieka: adopt and integrate the Environmental protection documents as requested by the national law and the County Strategy/Programme.

ENVIPLANS Guidelines - 10 key requirements 1.Knowing the context – identifying priorities 2.Innovate and integrate existing planning and management procedures 3.Adequacy of human and organisational resources engaged 4.Adopting a Strategic Vision – long term – concerning the wider area 5.Moving towards action – defining the executive tools 6.Clear definition of targets to achieve and indicators to monitor progress 7.Political support and legitimacy 8.Communication and participative planning 9.Widespread responsibility and implementation of the Plan 10.Monitoring progress and obstacles,continuous improvement

1Getting started - management setting-up (pre- audit, institutional arrangement and internal organization, participatory mechanisms set-up); 2Baseline review (setting of indicators and targets, legislative compliance, priorities identification, preliminary targets); 3Plan contents preparation (objectives, actions, targets, correlation with other plans, operating instruments); 4Implementation (formal adoption, partnership, responsibilities allocation, accounting, reporting and review). ENVIPLANS Planning cycle steps

1. Introduction 2. Getting started to launch (or relaunch) the planning process 2.1Understanding the context. ENVIPLANS’ Pre-audit method 2.2ENVIPLANS Core Group cities Pre-audit: findings 2.2.1Other plans to be taken into account ENVIPLANS Guidelines Integrated and Sustainable planning and management of the Urban Environment

ENVIPLANS Guidelines 3. Considering organisational and institutional aspects for the development of the plan 3.1Defining what constitutes an Urban Environment Management Plan 3.1.1The Plan’s themes 3.1.2Profile and level of details adopted by the Plan 3.1.3Local scale on which to define the Plan’s strategies 3.1.4Time frame of the Plan 3.2Defining the relationship between the UEMP and other existing plans, regulations and statutes 3.2.1Taking into account both existing and pending plans and tools 3.2.2Level of binding commitment of the Plan. What to do to raise the prospect of actual implementation of the Plan

ENVIPLANS Guidelines 3.3Resources and terms needed to develop and implement the UEMP 3.3.1Organisation: who initiates the process and how 3.3.2Activating internal and external resources 3.3.3Forming, motivating and training technical staff 3.3.4On what financial resources can be counted on 3.4Activating participative processes 3.4.1The main actors of the planning process 3.4.2When to launch participation 3.4.3How to keep the process alive 3.4.4Who decides, and how 3.4.5Selecting participants 3.4.6How participative processes can be best organised 3.4.7Raising citizens’ awareness and participation

ENVIPLANS Guidelines 4.Evaluation of initial analysis, directed towards the development of the plan 4.1Collecting and communicating basic information 4.1.1How to organise and present information. What reporting format to use 4.1.2How to select indicators for reporting 4.1.3Getting hold of the required data 4.1.4How to communicate information

5. How to develop and detail Plan’s contents and direct them towards action 5.1Defining objectives and setting targets 5.1.1What is a target and what is it used for 5.1.2Their definition is an arbitrary statement 5.1.3What steps to take 5.2Preliminary outline and selection of actions 5.2.1How to generate and select actions 5.3Defining roles and responsibilities, drafting the plan’s operational programme Who should take on responsibilities for the Plan implementation How to structure the operational programme 5.4Detailing financial aspects 5.5Closing the circle: monitoring, accounting, auditing, evaluating results, reviewing objectives.

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