PUNCTUATION Parentheses and Apostrophe
Parentheses A sentence interruption A way to tuck related information within a longer sentence. The information inside is extra information – like a side note. He always bought donuts (the sprinkled kind with chocolate frosting).
Parentheses Examples He seems to fighting some kind of bug (a fat one with buggy red eyes). Mary told me she won the race (liar). Lenny has already made plans for the money (poor guy!), but his wife is using it for a hot tub.
Apostrophe Indicates a few things ▫Possession ▫Unusual Plurals ▫Missing letters (in contractions)
Apostrophe Rules #1 Possession – to indicate ownership One owner – apostrophe then an “S” The boy’s dog. (one boy owns a dog) The girl’s money. (one girls owns a dog) More than one owner – “S” then an apostrophe The boys’ dog. (more than one boy) The girls’ money. (more than one girl)
Apostrophe Rules #2 Unusual Plurals of numbers, letters and abbreviations She is the daughter of two CEO ’ s. Tim earned all A ’ s in school. His grandfather was born in the 1920 ’ s.
Apostrophe Rules #3 Contractions Examples Should not = Shouldn’t Would not = Wouldn’t Can not = Can’t They will = They’ll We have = We’ve Etc.