A SWOT analysis generates information that is helpful in matching an organization’s or a group’s goals, programs, and capacities to the social environment in which they operate It is an instrument within strategic planning
Factors affecting an organization can usually be classified as: Internal factors Strengths (S) Weaknesses (W) External factors Opportunities (O) Threats (T) Strengths Opportunities Weaknesses Threats
Strengths Internal to an organization. they are within the organization’s control Weaknesses Factors that are within an organization’s control that detract from its ability to attain the core goal. In which areas might the organization improve?
Opportunities External attractive factors that represent the reason for an organization to exist and develop. What opportunities exist in the environment which will propel the organization? Threats External factors, beyond an organization’s control, which could place the organization’s mission or operation at risk. The organization may benefit by having contingency plans to address them should they occur Classify them by their “seriousness” and “probability of occurrence”
What steps can you take to: Capitalize on your strengths Overcome or minimize your weaknesses Take advantage of some new opportunities Respond to the threats Set goals and objectives, like with any other plan
Stay focused. Be specific and avoid grey areas. Keep your swot short and simple. Avoid complexity and over analysis Examine issues from the customers’/ stakeholders’ perspective Look for causes, not characteristics Separate internal issues from external issues
Introduction Internal Factors Strengths Weakness External Factors Opportunities Threats Conclusion References
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APA Style uses brief citations within the text of a paper when referring to a source. The brief citation gives the author(s) and year of the source in parentheses, allowing readers to locate the full citation in your reference list at the end of your paper.
Examples: Early onset results in a more persistent and severe course (Kessler, 2003) Kessler (2003) found that early onset results in a more persistent and severe course
When reproducing a direct quote, include the specific page number(s). You are encouraged to include page numbers when paraphrasing. Examples: Svanum and Aigner (2011) found "students who did well were prone to view the course more positively" (p. 676). "students who did well were prone to view the course more positively" (Svanum & Aigner, 2011, p.676)
No page numbers? Many online sources do not have page numbers. For direct quotes, use a paragraph number, or cite the heading and the number of paragraphs following it. Examples: (Basu & Jones, 2007, para. 4) (Verbunt, Pernot, & Smeets, 2008, Discussion Section, para. 1)
No author? Use the first few words of the title instead. Within parentheses, use quotation marks around the title of an article, a chapter, or a web page; Italicize the name of a journal, newspaper, magazine, or book. Examples: ("Study Finds", 2007) (College Bound Seniors, 2008, pp. 42-3)
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