Combine search terms with Boolean operators PsycINFO Library Next = Click
Boolean operators2 Use Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT to combine search terms AND: all terms must occur e.g. reading AND dyslexia (restrict) OR: at least one of the terms must occur e.g. reading OR dyslexia (expand) NOT: the second term should not occur e.g. reading NOT dyslexia (exclude) Library dyslexia reading dyslexia
Boolean operators3 Method 1: search across Multiple Fields
Boolean operators4 Search sample: attributions of students students
Boolean operators5 attribution AND : both terms must occur
Boolean operators6 Combine with OR Results: 79 records on both students and attributionInclude the term fear in a search for anxiety anxiety fear
Boolean operators7 Results: records that all contain at least one of the terms A new search: coercion NOT violence coercion violence
Boolean operators8 Method 2: combined search using Advanced Search
Boolean operators9 attribution and Multiple operators can be used Control the order of precedence with parentheses (fear or anxiety)
Boolean operators10
Boolean operators11 Boolean operators restrict with AND expand with OR exclude with NOT use parentheses in searches with more than one Boolean operator Library