Functions in C++
Functions Groups a number of program statements into a unit & gives it a name. Is a complete and independent program. Divides a large program into smaller units. Are written to avoid replication of code
Functions Executed by the main function or any other function of the program to perform its task. Function code is stored in only one place in memory, even if it is executed many times in the program. Functions are also known as sub-routines or procedures in different languages.
Types of Functions There are two types of functions Built-in functions(standard functions) Functions that have already been defined as a part of language. User defined functions Created by the a user written as a part of program to perform a specific task
User Defined Functions Has three parts: Function declaration(prototype) Function definition Function calling
Function Declaration Also called prototype (model/sample). Only provides the model/sample of the function. In function declaration: Name of function. Type of data returned by the function. Number & types of arguments/parameters used in function.
Function Declaration Function declaration is terminated by a semicolon. Similar to declaration of a variable and the rules for naming the functions is also same as for naming variables Syntax: type function-name(arguments if any);
Function Declaration Examples: void display(); void myFunction( void); int sum(int, int); float sum(); void print(int, float, char);
Function Definition Actual code of the function is called function definition. Function definition is always outside the main () function. Can be written before or after the main() function.
Function Definition Consists of two parts: Declarator: Heading line of the function definition. It is same as the function declaration but it is NOT terminated with a semicolon. Body of the Function: Set of statements enclosed in braces after the declarator. These statements are written to perform a specific task
Function Definition General format of function definition: type function-name(parameter) { set of statements }
Calling the Function Executing the statements of a function to perform a task is called calling of the function (function invoking or execution) A function is called by referencing its name. The parameters(if any) are given in the parentheses after the name of function otherwise left blank.
Calling the Function If the function has a return value of numeric type it can be called in an arithmetic expression. When a function is called, the control shifts to the function definition. The statements of the body of the function are executed.
Calling the Function After execution: The control returns to the calling function and the next statements that comes immediately after the function call is executed. E.g. function-name(parameters if any);
void func1( ) ; semicolon Function declaration Return type void main( ) { func1(); } semicolon No return Type Function call void func1( ) { } No semicolon Declarator Function Body Function Definition
Example # 1 #include void display(); void main() { clrscr(); cout<<“this is first line”<<endl; display(); cout<<“ok”; getche(); } // end of main void display() { cout<<“my first function”<<endl; }
Example # 2 #include void starline(); void main() { starline(); cout<<“Name Age”<<endl; starline(); cout<<“ali 19”<<endl; cout<<“huma 20”<<endl; starline(); getche(); }// end of main void starline() { for(int i=0 ; i<10 ; i++) cout<< “*”; cout<<endl; } Output: ********** Name Age ********** ali 19 huma 20 **********
Passing Arguments to Functions An argument is a piece of data passed from a program to the function. Arguments allows a function to operate with different value. Arguments are placed in parentheses. These are either constants or variables
Example # 3a (passing constants) #include void sum(int, int); void main() { clrscr(); sum(2, 2); cout<<“exit”; getch(); } void sum( int x, int y) { int s; s = x + y ; cout<<“sum is = ”<< s << endl; }
Example # 3b (passing variables) #include void sum(int, int); void main() { clrscr(); int a, b; cout<<“enter 1st value”; cin>> a; cout<<“enter 2nd value”; cin>> b; sum(a, b); cout<<“exit”; getch(); } void sum( int x, int y) { int s; s = x + y ; cout<<“sum is = ”<< s << endl; }
1(a). Write a function called circleArea()that finds the area of a circle. 1(b). Repeat the above program to pass radius of the circle as argument passed as variable to the function. 2(a). Write a program to find factorial of a number using functions.(without argument) 2(b). Repeat the above program to pass a number as argument to the function body. 3. Write a program for a calculator by passing three arguments to function body first is the numeric number, 2 nd is the arithmetic operator, 3 rd is the other numeric number.
Passing Array as Argument When array variable is passed as an argument. Only starting address of array is passed. No separate copy of array in the body of the function is made. It only assigns the starting address of same memory area of the array to array name used in the function declaration. Function can change the contents of the array by directly accessing the memory cells where array elements are stored.
Declaring function with Array as Argument If a 1-D array is passed. void myfunction( int []); void max(int [], float []); If a 2-D array is to be passed void myFunction( int [][]); void max(int [][], float [][]);
Function Definition with Array Arguments The name of array and its type is given in the declartor. E.g. void myFunction( int a[]) { body of the function } Size of the array can be given in the function declaration and in the function definition.
Calling function with Array Arguments When a function that uses array arguments is called (invoked), only name of the array without subscripts is given. Reason being is that only memory address of array is passed. The elements are accessed from the same memory location. Name of array used in the function call and function definition may be same or different.
Example(passing Array as Argument) #include void find(int [ ], int ); //function declaration void main() { int arr[5], i, n ; cout<<“enter elements in array”; for( i=0; i<=4; i++) cin>>arr[i]; cout<<“enter a number to find”; cin>>n; find(arr, n); //function call getch(); } //end of main void find( int x [ ], int a ) { int p=0; for(int c=0 ; c<=4; c++) if(a = = x[c]) { p = c+1; break; } if (p = = 0) cout<<“number not found”; else cout<<“number found at position ”<< p ; }
Passing Arguments There are two ways to pass arguments By value By reference By value When constants or variables are passed to function, it creates new variables to hold the values of these arguments. The function gives these new variables the names and the data type of variable arguments specified in the declarator.
Passing Arguments(By value) It initializes these parameters to values passed. They are then accessed like other variables by statements in function body. Passing arguments in this manner in which function creates copies of the arguments passed to it is called passing by value
Passing Arguments(By Reference) Reference provides a different name for the variable and represented by an ampersand (&) Instead of the passing value of the variable reference of the original variable, in the calling function is passed. It is actually the memory address of the original variable that is passed. Any change in the reference variable also changes the original variable. By default array variable are passed by reference.
Example # 1(reference variables) #include void swap(int &, int &); void main() { int a, b; cout<<“enter value of A”; cin>>a; cout<<“enter value of B”; cin>>b; swap(a,b); cout<<“values after swapping”<<endl; cout<<“value of A is =“<<a<<endl; cout<<“value of B is =“<<b<<endl; getch(); } void swap( int & x, int & y) { int temp; temp = x; x = y; y = temp; }
Returning Values From Functions When a function completes its execution, its returns a single value to the calling function. Usually this return value consists of an answer to the problem the function has solved. A function can return only one value It can be any type except string and array The type of data that a user-defined function returns is declared in function declaration.
Return Statement The return statement is used to return the calculated value from the function definition to the calling function. Syntax: return expression; Declaration of function that return a value float temp(); int sum(int, int); float radius(float );
Calling a function that returns a value The function that return a value can be called in an arithmetic expression. In this case the function is treated as a variable. The value returned by the function may be assigned to a variable or it can be directly sent to output device. E.g. r = temp(); r is a variable that receives the returned value(r is a float type variable) To print the returned value directly on screen E.g cout<<“the returned value is”<< temp();
Example # 1(function that returns a value) #include int sum(int, int); void main() { clrscr(); int a, b, ans; cout<<“enter 1st value”; cin>> a; cout<<“enter 2nd value”; cin>> b; ans = sum(a, b); // cout<<“the answer is ”<<sum(a,b); cout<<“answer is = ”<<ans; getch(); } int sum( int x, int y) { int s; s = x + y ; // return x + y; return s; }
Write a function that uses array as argument to find largest number in an array. Write a function that finds factorial of number passed as argument by reference. Write a function that calculates and returns the age of the student. Write a function that compares two number passed as argument to the function body and display the largest number as output.
Types of Variables Variables can be declared Inside the main function, Inside user-defined function or outside the main. Effect of these variables declared in these places is different.
Types of Variables Based on their effect there are three categories: Local variables (automatic variables) Global variables(external variables) Static variables
Automatic Variables Variables declared inside the main or user-defined function. Also called local variables Keyword auto can be used to specify the automatic variable. e.g void myfunction() { auto int abc; // same as int abc auto float x; // same as float x }
Automatic Variables Lifetime: An automatic variable is not created until the function in which it is defined is called. When control transfer to the function definition the variables are created and space is reserved. When control returns to the calling function the variables are destroyed. The time period between the creation and destruction of variables is called lifetime of the variable.
Automatic Variables Visibility: Automatic variables are only visible within the function in which they are defined. Also called scope of the variable. e.g.
External variables Variables declared outside the main or user- defined function. Also called global variables. E.g #include int a; // global variable int sum(int, int); // function declaration void main() { a=10; --- } int sum(int x, int y) { cout<< value of a <<a; ---- }
External variables Lifetime and visibility: External variables exist for the life of the program. Memory is reserved when the program begins And remain in existence until the program ends. These variables are visible to all those function that follow the variable’s definition.
Static variables Are special variables that are declared inside a function using the keyword static Visibility: these variables can only be accessed in the function in which they are declared Lifetime: Remain in existence for the lifetime of the program. Their initialization takes place only once when the function is called for the first time. Used when a function needs to remember a value when it is not being executed i.e. between calls to the functions.
Example (Static variables) #include int temp(int ); void main() { int i; for(i=1; i<=3 ;i++) { cout<<temp(i)<<endl; } cout<<“ok”; } int temp(int x) { static int c=10; c =c * x; return c; }
Overloaded Functions Declaring more than one function with the same name but different number of arguments Different type of arguments E.g void sum(); void sum(int, int); void sum(float, float); In order to avoid confusion compiler check the number of arguments, and type of arguments.
Create a menu having following functionality. A function that convert the temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius(c= 5/9(f-32)) A function that determines if the number is prime or not. A function to calculate cube of a number. A function that determines the largest number in an array passed as argument. A function to input the values A function to display the output Use return statement,different type of variables, arguments passing where necessary.