Searching with Boolean operators ERIC Library Next = Click
Boolean operators2 Use Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT to combine search terms AND: all terms must occur e.g. reading AND dyslexia (restrict) OR: at least one of the terms must occur e.g. reading OR dyslexia (expand) NOT: the second term should not occur e.g. reading NOT dyslexia (exclude) Library dyslexia reading dyslexia
Boolean operators3 Use Boolean operators to combine fields in Multi-Fields Search to create a search query in Basic Search NB. see also demo Combine search actions Library
Boolean operators4 1. Multi-Field Search
Boolean operators5 children Sample search : children and the internet First element is children
Boolean operators6 adolescents Add a related term AND: both terms must occur
Boolean operators7 Switch AND to OR
Boolean operators8 Publications about all or either of the subjects2. Basic Search
Boolean operators9 NOT: to exclude a term from your search (children not adolescents).sh NOT is only available in Basic Search
Boolean operators10 You can use multiple operators Control the order of precedence with parentheses (children/ or adolescents/) and internet/ For ERIC Subject Headings use [.sh.] or [/]
Boolean operators11
Boolean operators12 Summary Restrict with AND Expand with OR Exclude with NOT Compound search; use parentheses if necessary Library