Testing for STAAR/EOC, TAKS Elizabeth Lalor Senior Director of Academic Support
Taking the place of TAKS in grades 3-8 Reading:Grades 3-8 Writing:Grades 4 and 7 Math: Grades 3-8 Science: Grades 5 and 8 Social Studies: Grade 8 STAAR
STAAR will focus on readiness for success in subsequent courses and, ultimately, for college and career readiness. Starts with 9 th grade in English: English I, English II, English III Math: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II Science: Biology, Chemistry, Physics Social Studies: World Geography, World History, U.S. History STAAR EOC
For 10 th and 11 th graders ELA, Math, Science, & Social Studies The 11 th grade TAKS is the Exit Level and a student must pass all four sections to graduate. TAKS
TAKS vs STAAR 4 Exit Level Tests – ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies taken as a Junior 12 EOC Exams. You will take the exam the same year you take the course. Entire School Day to Test4 Hour Testing Limit No indication of college or career readiness If a student earns “Advanced Academic Performance” on Algebra II and English III, this indicates students’ postsecondary readiness. Administered in March, April, July, October Administered in March (English I, II, III), May, July, late Fall
TAKS vs STAAR CommendedLevel III: Advanced Academic Performance Met Passing StandardLevel II: Satisfactory Academic Performance Did not meet Passing Standard Level I: Unsatisfactory Academic Performance ELA and Writing TAKS was only one day of testing. English EOC and 4 th /7 th grade writing exams will be two days of testing.
Graduation Requirements In order to graduate, a student must achieve a cumulative score that is at least equal to the product of the number of EOC assessments taken in that content area and a scale score that indicates Level II Satisfactory Academic Performance. A student must achieve a minimum score for each EOC to count towards the student’s cumulative score in English, Math, Science, or Social Studies. A student’s cumulative score is determined using the student’s highest score on each EOC assessment.
Graduation Requirements If a student does not achieve the minimum score on an EOC assessment, the student shall retake EOC assessment. The student does not have to retake the course in order to retake an EOC. Note of Caution: A minimum score earned on each EOC assessment may not be enough for the cumulative score required for graduation.
Graduation Requirements In addition to meeting the cumulative score requirement in each of the four content areas, students on the Recommended High School Program, have to achieve Level II: Satisfactory Academic performance on the EOC assessments for English III and Algebra II. In addition to meeting the cumulative score requirement in each of the four content areas, students on the Distinguished Achievement Program have to achieve Level III: Advanced Academic Performance for English III and Algebra II.
Changes, Changes TEA has changed their mind about the 15% rule No Accommodated version of STAAR Changes in Supplemental Aides requirements as of 11/30/11 Still no answer on the passing score or the cumulative passing score needed for graduation Except for three answer choices, very little difference in STAAR M TEA released sample questions in November 2011
What counts for 2012? No state accountability for 2012 AYP will be calculated using 10 th grade TAKS in ELA and Math and 3 rd – 8 th grade STAAR in Reading and Math EOC for 9 th graders will count for the students’ graduation requirement. The 15% rule has been waived for 2012 only. Next year, EOC results will count as 15% of the course grade
When will we get results? TAKS results in May EOC results by June 1 STAAR results for reading and math at TAKS difficulty level for AYP only in mid-summer STAAR results with the new STAAR passing standards in October 2012
Questions? Elizabeth Lalor Senior Director of Academic Support