CURRENT BEST PRACTICE RECOMMENDATIONS Safe Environment 1) Perform hospital-wide environmental safety rounds. 1a) The facility has a process in place to perform environmental rounds to assess environmental safety across the hospital related to falls.
GUIDELINES Departmental and Northland environmental rounding will be accomplished by team members during the months when team meetings are scheduled. Departmental rounds will occur bi-annually during a portion of the scheduled team meeting. Departments will be rotated as the focus for rounding Team members will be assigned to NL Environmental rounds and will rotate responsibility for accompanying EOC team bi-annually (June/December) Annually, this will result in the EOC being assessed by falls team members four times/year
OCTOBER DEPARTMENT ROUNDS Emergency Department Notification of Department Director & Clinical Nurse Supervisor → Department Charge Nurse Falls Team brief “huddle” ◦ Review of Rounding checklist ◦ Determine a “leader” ◦ Review timeframe and desired outcomes Three team members participated- Social worker, 2 RN’s – one from Surgery/one from Inpatient MedSurg
OUTCOMES Summary drafted by rounds “leader” Formatted into the General Environmental checklist form Sent via to Emergency Services Director, Emergency Services Clinical Nurse Supervisor and to Facilities Director Reviewed at Fall Prevention Team meeting in December Reviewed at Environment of Care Committee meeting in December
LEARNINGS Direct feedback to staff “in the moment” Remove any equipment assessed to be a safety risk out of service Identify if any high priority/safety issues with the EOC and communicate immediately to Facilities Director Offer assistance to departmental staff (i.e. maintenance requests)
NEW Best Practice RECOMMENDATIONS 1a) The facility has a standardized process in place for fall team member(s) to participate in environment of care rounds, at least quarterly, to assess environmental safety across the hospital related to falls. 1b) The facility has a process in place to implement recommendations resulting from environment of care rounds.
PARTNERING WITH EOC FAIRVIEW NORTHLAND MEDICAL CENTER Fall Prevention Team Facility/EOC Support Purpose: Play more active role in supporting work of Fall Prevention Team Strategy: Prioritize facility-related suggestions to reduce fall incidents and either fund to completion in 2010 or request financial support to complete in 2011 Team input: Update list of facility-related suggestions for improvement Review suggestions and prioritize. Establish feedback methods (Participate in meetings or provide written report.)
HISTORY TO DATE Inpatient MedSurg unit Princeton Medical Clinic Emergency Department Bi-annual environmental rounds
Beginning steps and certainly a work in progress! QUESTIONS FOR US??