EOC Review
Literary Terms Alliteration Assonance Consonance Metaphor Simile Synecdoche Anaphora Epistrophe Personification Elegy Hyperbole Irony Sonnet Diction Mood Tone Theme Allegory Allusion Antagonist Ballad Ode Connotation Denotation Lyric Motif
Alliteration Pattern of sounds that includes the repetition of constants
Anaphora Repetition of words at the beginning of successive sentences
Allegory A narrative that serves as an extended metaphor
Assonance Repetition of vowel sounds
Allusion Reference in a literary work to a person, place, thing in history or another work of literature
Antagonist An adversary
Ballad Narrative folk song. Uses a lot of repetition and is seen in poetry
Connotation Ideas associated with a word
Consonance Repetition of constant sounds
Denotation Dictionary definition of a word
Diction Word choice
Elegy A type of literature defined as a song or poem. Written in elegant couplets, usually expressing sorrow
Epistrophe Repetition of words at the end of successive sentences
Hyperbole An over-exaggeration
Irony Person, situation, statement, or outcome is different than one might expect
Lyric Song like poem to express feelings
Metaphor Comparison between two unlikely things
Mood Evokes certain feelings or vibes in readers through reading
Motif Reoccurring object or symbol
Ode Lyric poem that addresses a particular subject
Personification Giving human like attributes to an inanimate object
Simile Comparison of two unlikely things using like or as
Sonnet 3 quatrains with a rhyming couplet at the end to create 14 lines
Synecdoche A part is made to represent the whole
Theme Repeated idea that is revealed through a text
Tone Attitude an author shows through the text