Assessment Update Prepared by Riverside County Office of Education District and School Success Center January 21, 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Assessment Update Prepared by Riverside County Office of Education District and School Success Center January 21, 2011

Standardized Testing and Reporting Program (STAR)

STAR Program Multiple-Choice Tests CSTs – Most students take CSTs – Grades 2–11 unless taking CMA or CAPA CMA – Grades 3–11; varies by grade and content area – Must have IEP and meet eligibility criteria STS – For Spanish-speaking English learners – Grades 2–11 – Must also take CST and/or CMA 2011 STAR Pre-Test Workshop || Slide 3 M 3, 36

California Standards Tests (CSTs) Grades 2–11 Unless taking CMA or CAPA Subjects tested : – English–Language Arts (ELA): all grades writing for grades 4 and 7 – Mathematics: grades 2–7 and end-of-course (EOC) 7–11 – Science: grades 5, 8, 10, and EOC 9–11 – History–Social Science: grades 8, 11, and EOC 9– STAR Pre-Test Workshop || Slide 4 M 36, 82

Who Takes Which CST for Mathematics? 2011 STAR Pre-Test Workshop || Slide 5 Grades 2–6: Grade-level test required Grade 7: Grade 7 math test or Algebra I required Grades 8–9: One of the following is required:  EOC mathematics CST; or  CST for Summative High School Mathematics (grade 9 only); or  CST for General Mathematics (if no math course or completing a course for which there is not an EOC mathematics CST) Grades 10–11: One of the following is required:  EOC mathematics CST; or  CST for Summative High School Mathematics  No assessment required if not taking a mathematics course M 15, 81

Summative High School Mathematics Students in grades 9–11 will take the CST for Summative High School Mathematics if: – Previously completed Algebra I and Algebra II and Geometry courses, and completing an advanced mathematics course this year; or – Previously completed a course aligned with the Integrated Mathematics 3 test blueprint, and completing an advanced mathematics course this year; or – Previously completed Algebra I and Algebra II and Geometry courses and are taking no mathematics course this year; or – Previously completed a course aligned with the Integrated Mathematics 3 test blueprint and are taking no mathematics course this year. – Previously took the CST for Summative High School Mathematics STAR Pre-Test Workshop || Slide 6 M 15, 81 Q 4

Mark Correct Mathematics Test Taken 2011 STAR Pre-Test Workshop || Slide 7 Or student will not receive a SCORE.

CST for Science Required grade-level science – Grades 5, 8, 10: all students take the grade-level test Grades 9–11 EOC – Based on standards-based science course completed during the school year or the previous summer, whichever is more recent – If more than one standards-based science course will be completed during the school year, the district must determine which test will be taken – Mark correct EOC test and version number on the answer document 2011 STAR Pre-Test Workshop || Slide 8 M 17, 82

CMA Tests for 2011 CMA for ELA in grades 3–11 (added grades 10, 11 in 2011) – CMA for Writing in grades 4 and 7 CMA for Mathematics in grades 3–7 CMA for Algebra I (EOC for grades 7–11) CMA for Geometry (EOC for grades 8–11) (new in 2011) CMA for Science in grades 5 and 8 CMA for Life Science in grade 10 M 3, 13, STAR Pre-Test Workshop || Slide 9 Q 1

Who Takes the CMA? Students: – Have an IEP – Meet the SBE-adopted eligibility criteria – Enrolled in grades 3–11 – May take the CMA for some subjects, CST for other subjects – Must take grade-level CSTs when a CMA is not offered – May have previously taken the CMA, regardless of score – Not eligible to take the CAPA IEP specifies the CMA and subject(s) No modifications; if needed, take the CST 2011 STAR Pre-Test Workshop || Slide 10 M 16, 72, 83 Q 5

CMA Materials 2011 CMA booklets for grade 3 – Separate scorable test booklet – If no CST taken, return CST test booklet with non- scorables CMA for Grades 4–7  CST and CMA in same answer document If both CST and CMA taken, must mark Section 7c for CMA tests taken on CST answer documents 2011 STAR Pre-Test Workshop || Slide 11

CMA Materials for 2011 CMA for Grades 8–11 – Separate answer documents and test booklets – Must return CST answer document only if CST taken  Return a CST answer document for every CMA tester who takes a required grade-level history– social science CST (grades 8 and 11), an EOC science CST (grades 9–11), and/or an EOC history–social science CST (grades 9–11). – If no CST taken, return CST test booklet with non- scorables – Single DFA used for 9– STAR Pre-Test Workshop || Slide 12 Q 6

CST/CMA Answer Document Right side of inside of answer doc grades 4−7 CMA section has: Different subject icons from CST Alternate row shading for the response bubbles Three answer choices Fewer number of questions 2011 STAR Pre-Test Workshop || Slide 13

CMA Grade 7 Answer Document Mathematics Section Grade 7 mathematics and Algebra I have different numbers of questions 2011 STAR Pre-Test Workshop || Slide 14

STS STS for Reading/Language Arts (RLA) in grades 2–11 STS for Mathematics in grades 2–7 STS for Algebra I (EOC for grades 7–11) – If Algebra I course completed in 2010−11 school year STS for Geometry (EOC for grades 8–11)  If Geometry course completed in 2010−11 school year Students in grades 8 and 9 who are not taking Algebra I or Geometry courses take NO STS math, but do take CST math STAR Pre-Test Workshop || Slide 15 M 3, 14, 17 Q 7

Who Takes the STS? Required for Spanish-speaking English learners (EL), grades 2–11, who either: – Receive instruction in Spanish; or – Have been enrolled in a school in the U.S. less than 12 cumulative months. Districts may also administer to other Spanish- speaking ELs in grades 2–11 Not to be administered to English-only, I-FEP, or R-FEP students All students must also take CSTs or the CMA Students who take CAPA do NOT take STS 2011 STAR Pre-Test Workshop || Slide 16 M 3, 14

Performance-based, one-on-one test Student must have an IEP IEP specifies CAPA and level For students with significant cognitive disabilities unable to take the CSTs even with accommodations and/or modifications or the CMA with accommodations Do not take STS Answer document: – Use only 2011 answer document – Ensure correct CAPA Level is marked in 7a CAPA 2011 STAR Pre-Test Workshop || Slide 17 M 13−14