Finding PLTW Updates, Master Training, EOC Exams Ellie Vandiver Director of School Engagement California
Updates Curriculum Updates Occur in 3 Ways 1. Low Priority 2. Medium Priority 3. High Priority Example: Located LMS - IED-OT/Modules Curriculum Updates
Low Priority Updates O Very minor revisions O Usually during the current school year/or in the next school year * ENG Formula Sheet was revised to include additional formulas and was released to all ENG courses as a manual update
Medium Priority Course Updates O Most common O Content may/may not impact a teacher’s curriculum made during the current school year O Released through manual updates on OT O Released in a zipped folder and download and manually update using the LMS O Teacher discretion on whether the download needs to be revised in their current courses O Video and text instructions are provided
High Priority Course Updates O Rare O Usually EOC items O Automatic updates where the content is automatically added to the each course O Contact Jason Rauch/Bryan Kind for specific updates
EOC Exams O Practice Exams are available O Students can gauge the rigor of these items O Located in the LMS under PLTW-PLC O Example
Master Teacher O Located PLTW – PLC - Announcements O Link to the registration O Through Feb 2 O First year – Apprentice O Extensive Criteria Professional growth modules 2 videos Letter of Rec
BioEngineering O Offered in the Fall of 2015 O Emerging careers: genetic engineering/biofuels/ biomanufacturing O Replace Biotech ENG (BE) but will continue to offer until the school year O BE EOC’s will not longer be available after 2015
Gateway Updates O DM and AR Modules will be increased to semester courses instead of 9-10 weeks
Launch Updates O CS – developing 6 ten hour CS modules (one for each grade O BMS – developing 5 modules: human body, infection and genetics