Management of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Management Group Four volunteers Involved in other aspects of NEMA Meetings every 2 months Objective to insure EOC is operational when needed
Audio Visual Equipment Status of repair and updates EOC Management Is there chance that we will receive any compatible software to insure proper operational needs during a disaster Needed direction for layout of the EOC Log in for EOC group and limited access for computers and internet accessibility.
Policy and review Needed review of policy and updates Direction from Manager Access to EOC Members of the group unable to enter with their card Role of EOC group in event of activation Unsure at this time?
Exercise in the EOC Needed direction from EM City departments involvement Long overdue for functional/full scale Continue meetings every 2 months Continue EOC checkout per list
Senior and Veteran Health and Safety Fair Wednesday Sept 28, May I represent NEMA !!!!!