In Afghanistan, Taliban leader Ahmad Shah is responsible for killing over twenty United States Marines, as well as villagers and refugees who were aiding American forces. In response to these killings, a United States Navy SEALsunit is ordered to execute a counter-insurgent mission to capture Shah. As part of the mission, a four-man SEALreconnaissance and surveillance team is tasked with locating Shah. These four SEALs include team leader Michael P. "Murph" Murphy; snipers Marcus Luttrell andMatthew "Axe" Axelson; and communications specialist Danny Dietz.TalibanAhmad ShahUnited States MarinesUnited States Navy SEALscounter-insurgentreconnaissanceMichael P. "Murph" MurphyMarcus LuttrellMatthew "Axe" AxelsonDanny Dietz
The team is inserted into the Hindu Kush region of Afghanistan, where they make a trek through the mountains. Here, they begin to encounter communications problems, which would play a critical role in the following events. Upon arriving at their designated location, the SEALs are accidentally discovered by an elderly shepherd and two teenage goat herders. After a brief debate, Luttrell convinces the others that they will incite backlash if they kill the three herders. The team decides to release the herders and abort the mission, but before they can escape, they are discovered by Taliban forces. Although they manage to kill several Taliban soldiers, they find themselves heavily outnumbered and at significant tactical disadvantage. Each of the men suffers serious injuries during the firefight, and in an attempt to flee from the insurgents, they jump off the edge of a cliff.Hindu Kushbacklash
In Afghanistan, Taliban leader Ahmad Shah is responsible for killing over twenty United States Marines, as well as villagers and refugees who were aiding American forces. In response to these killings, a United States Navy SEALsunit is ordered to execute a counter- insurgent mission to capture Shah. As part of the mission, a four-man SEALreconnaissance and surveillance team is tasked with locating Shah. These four SEALs include team leader Michael P. "Murph" Murphy; snipers Marcus Luttrell andMatthew "Axe" Axelson; and communications specialist Danny Dietz.TalibanAhmad ShahUnited States MarinesUnited States Navy SEALscounter- insurgentreconnaissanceMichael P. "Murph" MurphyMarcus LuttrellMatthew "Axe" AxelsonDanny Dietz
view, first billed only: Mark Wahlberg...Marcus Luttrell Taylor Kitsch...Michael Murphy Emile Hirsch...Danny Dietz Ben Foster...Matt 'Axe' Axelson Yousuf Azami...Shah Ali Suliman...Gulab Eric Bana...Erik Kristensen Alexander Ludwig...Shane Patton Rich Ting...James Suh Dan Bilzerian...Healy Jerry Ferrara...Hasslert Rick Vargas...Crew Chief Scott Elrod...QRF SEAL Gregory Rockwood...Chinook Pilot #1 Ryan Kay...Chinook Pilot #2
Marcus Luttrell (The movie is based on his story) appears in the movie playing a small role. At about the 12:30 mark of the movie he's the SEAL that spills the coffee and tells the rookie to clean it up. Marcus is credited as 'Navy Seal (uncredited)'. His character is 'Frank' or 'Frankie'. He appears again on the helicopter which was sent to rescue the team and subsequently shot down, killing all aboard. Though it is not mentioned in the movie Luttrell was personally awarded the Navy Cross by (then) President George W. Bush. Lieutenant Michael Murphy would be awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously. Director Peter Berg read the memoir alone in one sitting at a locked conference room during the production of Hancock (2008).
Gross: $125,069, Stars
New Mexico, USA
Its very interesting and also base on a true story. And I like true story because I get to know what happened on the past It is also action movie and I like action movies Also a lot of drama and sadness I like the army and that’s what makes me like this movie a lot.
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