* On March 20 — on May — invasion of armies of the international coalition (the main participants — the USA and Great Britain) to Iraq for the purpose of Saddam Hussein's overthrow, and also for destruction of weapons of mass destruction which wasn't revealed. On May 1 George Bush onboard an aircraft carrier of "Abraham Lincoln" proclaims: «The tyrant fell, Iraq is free!» — also declares war of the won. At the head of temporary administration of Iraq there is American Jay Garner, then Paul Bremer.
* 2003 — leave an underground extremist groups of Shiite sense and Communist Party of Iraq. The BAAS party goes underground and will organize guerrilla war. * On July 22, 2003, in the suburb of Mosul, Americans destroyed Saddam's two sons and his 14-year-old grandson, in the beginning in firefight, and then having destroyed by bombing from air the house where they disappeared. * Since summer of 2003 the guerrilla war which has reached the maximum by summer of 2007 began. * 2004 — Revolt of Army of Mehdi. * 2006, on December 30 — the former president of Iraq Saddam Hussein is executed through hanging.
* By the end of 2008 of attack to the international forces and the Iraq police almost stopped. Acts of terrorism as a result of which the peace population suffers proceed. The part of insurgents was legalized and earns a salary as members so-called «Sunni militia». The commander-in-chief of the Iraq Resistance Izzat Ibrahim al Nonsense continues to be in an underground, despite all efforts of it to seize, it remains is imperceptible. * On March 7, 2010 parliamentary elections, but as a result of secret fight round results of elections took place, the parliament didn't gather, and the government wasn't created. Only on November 10 it was possible to achieve the fragile arrangement concerning power distribution in the country between parties and groups.