This image of a fire fight with the Japanese during WW2 is quite a shocking picture, showing the gruesome truth of the war and how in humane it was. Has captured this by not just using the body but the man next to him, showing that this was a normal sight for them and they just had to ignore it. Shows a world we could no imagine W. Eugene smith W. Eugene smith is an American photographer know for his brutal showing of events in the world that would’t ordinarily meet the eye of the general public. William Eugene Smith was born in Wichita, Kansas in In 1936, at age 18, Gene Smith entered Notre Dame University where his pictures so impressed the faculty and administration that a special photographic scholarship was created for him.
This picture of a Japanese gun tower is an interesting picture as he has used the remnants of the destroyed tower to frame the image of the US army to show war and the destructive power of it, he has also captured the head of a deceased person. He could have given no identity on purpose to show that it is just a person doesn’t matter what nation. He has also captured the sheer size of the war by showing an almost endless stretch of beach and boats. This image captured of a bong group of really captures the helplessness of the soldiers done by make the look even smaller by taking the picture further away. The effects of the fog and dead trees really give a creepy fighting feeling of the picture. This picture also shows the sheer power of the explosion by capturing it perfectly taking over the sky
this picture of a us soldier taking cover is cleverly taken he as centred him perfectly making him look very small almost like a baby in a womb This image capturing the sheer scale of the war with ships stretching to the very horizon. He has created a great depth of field with the close ships looking huge to it stretching out to the small ship in the horizon.