POPULIST PARTY PLATFORM FREE AND UNLIMITED COINAGE OF SILVER 16 : 1 RATIO Why? –More $ in circulation Help farmers obtain loans –Ease inflation Help farmers purchase necessary machines
POPULIST PARTY PLATFORM GRADUATED INCOME TAX –Rate of taxation goes up as income goes up. –16 TH Amendment (1912) Reduce power of wealthy over country Promote programs to help common man with increased tax dollars.
POPULIST PARTY PLATFORM SECRET (AUSTRALIAN) BALLOT Voting often in public –Avoid pressure from boss and landlord
POPULIST PARTY PLATFORM DIRECT ELECTION OF US SENATORS –Constitution; Article I –State legislatures chose US Senators from their state –17 TH Amendment Unfair influence by business lobbyists Want PEOPLE to have a direct involvement in choosing their elected officials.
POPULIST PARTY PLATFORM INITIATIVE REFERENDUM RECALL Give the PEOPLE more direct voice in government –Initiative enables citizens to draft laws and constitutional amendments and place them on the ballot for a popular vote. - Referendum provides for a popular vote on laws passed by the legislature. - Recall allows citizens to remove elected officials from office.
POPULIST PARTY PLATFORM SHORTER WORKING HOURS RESTRICT IMMIGRATION Improve working conditions of laboring class Prevent increase in workers from driving wages down.
POPULIST PARTY PLATFORM SUBTREASURYBlamed bankers for farmers’ problems Want to end national banking system FAILS: Federal Reserve System established 1913.
POPULIST PARTY PLATFORM GOVERNMENT REGULATION OF RAILROADS, TELEPHONE, AND TELEGRAPH SYSTEM Angered by unfair rates – Want federal gov’t to take ownership of these companies FAILS: Socialist policy; little support T. Roosevelt will reform RR practice.