UNIT #6 Taking Part in Government CHAPTER #16 Elections, Voting and Voter Behavior LESSON #1 Nominating Candidates
Nominating a Candidate UNIT #6 Taking Part in Government CHAPTER #16 Elections, Voting and Voter Behavior LESSON #1 Nominating Candidates Nominating a Candidate -There are four ways to nominate candidates: 1. Caucus 2. Conventions 3. Direct Primary 4. Petition -Depending on the office being sought, the nominating process can vary Caucus -In early American politics, party leaders met to decide who would run for office -Many people complained their voices were not heard and that this was undemocratic Page 1
Nominating Conventions UNIT #6 Taking Part in Government CHAPTER #16 Elections, Voting and Voter Behavior LESSON #1 Nominating Candidates Nominating Conventions -Nominating convention (public meetings of party members) started becoming popular -They gathered to choose a candidate—or delegates to vote for candidates (if the election was not local) -In many areas, party leaders, or party bosses, chose delegates—these nominating conventions became just as undemocratic Primary Elections -Most states use direct primary elections to select candidates today -In these elections, candidates from the same party campaign against one another Page 2
-Closed primaries allow only registered members of the party to vote UNIT #6 Taking Part in Government CHAPTER #16 Elections, Voting and Voter Behavior LESSON #1 Nominating Candidates (continued) -Voters cast their ballot to determine which candidate will represent the party in the general election -Closed primaries allow only registered members of the party to vote -Open primaries allow any registered voter to cast a ballot Page 3
Iowa Caucus Results 2008 (January 3rd) Republicans Democrats
Florida Primary Results 2008 (January 29th) Republicans Democrats
Wisconsin Primary Results 2008 (February 19th) Republicans Democrats
Presidential Nominees UNIT #6 Taking Part in Government CHAPTER #16 Elections, Voting and Voter Behavior LESSON #1 Nominating Candidates (continued) -Voters cast their ballot to determine which candidate will represent the party in the general election -Closed primaries allow only registered members of the party to vote -Open primaries allow any registered voter to cast a ballot Presidential Nominees -In presidential primaries, voters vote for delegates, not candidates -Those delegates then go to the national convention to cast ballots for a candidate -Republicans generally use a winner-take-all primary when awarding delegates Page 3
-A certain number of potential voters must sign the petition UNIT #6 Taking Part in Government CHAPTER #16 Elections, Voting and Voter Behavior LESSON #1 Nominating Candidates (continued) -Democrats use proportional representation primary—dividing delegates according to vote totals—when awarding delegates Petition -This is a paper that states a person’s wish to run for a particular office -A certain number of potential voters must sign the petition Page 4