Welcome Avon Canada Sales Leaders Prospecting & Appointing Training Good Evening Avon Canada Sales Leaders! The training being provided this evening is geared to building YOUR Team for YOUR Success through Prospecting and Appointing. Let me begin by thanking you for attending !
Pearl Stewart Field Training Manager Speaking to you is Field Training Manager, Pearl Stewart. I have been affiliated with Avon Canada for the past 27 years – starting as an Avon Representative for 7 years, where I actively prospected and appointed Representatives to join our amazing Company. Unfortunately Avon Sales Leadership was just a thought in someone’s mind at that time – but today we offer an amazing earning opportunity to those who identify a true earning potential when they see one. As a 20 year employee who has spent all my years in the Sales and Training Departments I bring to you my passion, enthusiasm, experience and skill on how to build and develop a solid Team.
Michelle Hommes Field Sales Trainer Joining us this evening is Michelle Hommes – Field Sales Trainer who also has over 10 years of Avon experience. Michelle began her Avon path to success as a Sales Leader over 11 years ago and was then hired as a DSM for the past 10 years. New to our Team as a Field Sales Trainer - Michelle brings her knowledge, passion, skills and successes to our field and to this call.
Agenda PATD Excellence Creating Your Success Plan Prospecting What is Your Conversion Rate? Appointing Expect to Earn Your Incentive On tonight’s agenda, we will be training to PATD excellence specifically covering Prospecting and Appointing, with Training and Developing coming to you by webinar soon. Secondly, we will be training you on the importance of creating your success plan using 5 easy steps. We will then train on Prospecting, which is really the key to increase your business, plus review the importance of knowing “what is your conversion rate?” The beginning of a new Representatives experience begins with her Believe Conversation. We will also do a quick review of the Incentives
The Winning Formula for Success Direct Selling + MLM Selling and Service Direct Selling Finding others to Sell and Service 2nd Dimension (MLM) One thing that is for certain is the we know the winning formula for success with Avon is to work our direct selling and MLM strategy in partnership. Direct selling is simply distributing your brochures or sending an e-brochure to Customers and selling and servicing your Customers and then earning a profit from 15-50% of your sales. The 2nd dimension to our business is finding others to sell and service Customers as well. As a Leadership Representative you also earn bonuses while you build your title as well as earn commissions from your Team’s total campaign sales.
Leadership Remains the path to achieving your goals and dreams today and most importantly your future! Leadership remains the path to achieving your goals and dreams today and most importantly your future. It is very easy to see how that happens when you stay committed to building your Team and training and developing them to the next level.
PATD Excellence P rospect A ppoint T rain Sales Representatives D evelop Leadership Representatives This of course is where PATD excellence comes into play. It is one thing to do one or two of the activities shown on the slide, however to build a strong foundation for your business you need to ensure that each Representative receives the 4 cornerstones of our business. When you prospect, appoint, train and develop your Representatives and they become the best that they can or want to be, you will experience Team Success.
PATD is a Proven Process Results show us that retention, sales and team growth are higher when a new Representative is taught through PATD Proven Process is easy to follow and easy to duplicate Keep it simple – “People can duplicate a process, but not a person” PATD is a proven process and results show us that retention, sales and team growth are higher when a new Representative is taught through PATD This proven process is easy to follow and easy to duplicate, and it is important to remember to keep it simple as you want to ensure that your Leaders or potential Leaders can duplicate the process, plus have others duplicate theirs and so on.
New Recruits to Your Team The Process Is Fundamental P A New Recruits to Your Team T D Leadership President’s Club SEUL Prestige Council UL On the slide in front of you - you will see that the PATD process is fundamental and the foundation of your success. Prospecting is critical to build your 1st generation with a large group of Representatives. Appointing new Representatives onto your Team to achieve their goals and dreams is the next step. Then to ensure retention and growth, you must train your Representatives to increase their earnings through selling and servicing Customers. This training also allows them to work towards President’s Club. Statistics show that a President’s Club member stays with Avon for an average of 15 years. Now that’s setting up your business for success! Plus Develop your Leaders on your Team to drive Title and again discover additional bonuses and commissions on the growth. Honour AUL EUL DHM
Create Your Success Plan Determine Your Dream Believe In Your Potential 2. Set Goals and Write Down Your Goals Make A True Decision – “I will achieve this goal” Create a Focused Plan Create A Focused Plan To create your success plan – it all begins with determining your dream and deciding what you really want and where you want to go in life. The true component of fulfilling your dream is to believe in your potential. Belief in yourself is the number one ingredient that will make it possible to accomplish your dream. Second…make a list of your lifetime goals, in any order. The important thing is to put them in writing. The next step is to make a true decision to accomplish your goals. To accomplish your goal, you must avoid using phrases like “I want to”, “I hope” or “I would like” To really achieve your goal, you need to state with complete conviction, “I will achieve this goal” The third step in turning your dream into a reality is to create a focused plan, which will enable you to gauge your progress and adjust your approach as obstacles - and even new opportunities arise.
Create Your Success Plan 3. Believe and Expect to WIN Believe you will Achieve “Whether you think you can or think you can’t – you are right!” 4. Take Focused Action Overcome Your Fears Keep A Positive Perspective – Never Give Up Start by taking small action steps and steadily grow strong roots of confidence to help you focus on one simple and constant thought – expect to win It has been proven that your thoughts can dictate what you will or will not accomplish. Perhaps automaker Henry Ford said it the best – “whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right. You may encounter people who want to criticize your actions and your belief that you can succeed. You may even have your own critic in your head. Tune out these critics and refuse to listen to them, because attitudes are contagious and negative attitudes can destroy your dreams Your daily actions must be focused on doing what you need to accomplish your goals. Focusing on the right types of action is key. Determine what you need to accomplish and exactly how you will do it.
Create Your Success Plan 5. Lead Your Team Recognize Boomerang Blessings Be A Good Leader Associate with like-minded people When you unselfishly give to others, rewards will come back to you. These rewards are called boomerang blessings. When you recognize the power of this concept, your success will be nothing short of phenomenal. Strong leadership is critical to your success – and to the success of your Team. You can become a good leader by learning from people who have already accomplished the success you desire, and teaching others to duplicate your actions - An important part of being a strong leader is associating with people who share your values, goals, work ethic, and attitude. By associating with like-minded people, you will build a more effective, powerful team because you all share the same vision and are working toward the same goals.
P P A A T T D D Your Roadmap to Success PATD is the roadmap to your Success! Let’s begin with prospecting and appointing
What is Prospecting & Appointing? Prospecting is sharing the Avon Earning opportunity, gathering names and contact information. Appointing is the act of conducting the Believe Conversation with a prospect to become an Independent Avon Representative So what is Prospecting and Appointing? Prospecting is sharing the Avon Earning opportunity, gathering names and contact information. By believing wholeheartedly in our opportunity it gives you the confidence and the passion to share it with others. Your enthusiasm will rub off on your prospect and she will be more than willing to hear what you have to offer. Appointing is the act of conducting the Believe Conversation with a prospect to become an Independent Avon Representative. During this initial contact it is essential to provide the new prospect with a complete training. This allows her to gain knowledge and information about the Company she is choosing as her Home based business opportunity.
Why Do We Need to Prospect? Prospecting is the art of networking and a way of developing and expanding your business! Why do we need to prospect? The answer is to grow our business. In Direct sales (and this holds true in all direct sales organizations) you always have a turnover of people and we have to replace those who leave. To steadily increase your Team sales from one year to the next you need to have more Representatives selling our Avon brand. Also, in order to move Title you need to inspire new and existing Team members to engage into the Leadership strategy.
Prospecting Is The Foundation of Your Business Leads are a necessity If you don’t talk to enough people you won’t have team growth Become a ‘Master Prospector’ by consistent use of the skill everyday While prospecting, which is really talking about the Avon earning opportunity with Everyone you come into contact with – you will notice that with the right behaviour you build a good collection of leads. The behaviour I am referring to is simply asking for a name and contact information of the person you spoke to even if she is not interested today. Always keep in mind that life is always changing and throws us a few curve balls now and again. Therefore, we never know when the next time you call or e-mail her, she just might say yes! Just let her know that even though today might not be the right timing, perhaps you could give her a call in a few months to see if timing would be better. Remember the key to Team growth is talking to enough people on a consistent basis. With consistent use of the skill – before you know it, you will be a master at prospecting.
Do You Multiply Your Efforts? Don’t do it alone, promote Leadership and train someone on your Team everyday! You will be more successful with others prospecting with you Prospecting is “FUN” or it certainly can be if you have someone with you when you are prospecting. Not only does it make it fun, it also means that in that hour, as an example - instead of you speaking to 30 people – you and one of your Team members have now probably spoken to 60 people – which means more success!
Do You Look Like You Believe it? P Do You Look Like You Believe it? Project confidence Be positive, create excitement Look the part! Our Avon Opportunity can literally change people’s lives - be sure that those you are approaching are feeling that “vibe” Project confidence, be positive, and exude your passion and belief in what you have to offer someone! Always keep in mind – you never know how long the person you are approaching has been looking for an opportunity that you have for her today. $10 to start your own home based business? – simply amazing!
Do People Know You’re In Business? Be ready at any time to talk Avon Ask for referrals Use the tools, social media, etc. The growth explosion of your business really depends on you. Ask yourself, do people know you are in business? The only way they will for sure – is if you tell them, so be ready to talk about your business anytime, ask people that you communicate with for referrals. The person you are speaking to, might not be ready to commit today, but does she happen to know of someone? Use Facebook, e-mail, telephone, business cards, recruiting and informational flyers to spread the news.
Prospecting Activities Invitation Lists Door to Door Malls Parks Tailgating Restaurants Newspapers/telephone Bulletin Boards Avon on Locations Tradeshows Avon in Your Home Parties Avon Opportunity Meetings Social Media Ballot Boxes Here are some great prospecting activities. Prospect during the Believe Conversation with the invitation to identify your new Team members first recruits. Partner with your Team members and prospect door to door – in malls – parks – restaurants etc. Newspaper prospecting is simply going through the help wanted, and classified ads. Here is an example – a lady is advertising her house cleaning business, obviously she is looking to increase her earnings. This is the ideal opportunity to call her and offer her our earning opportunity and mention she can sell to her clientele All the above mentioned are excellent ways to connect with potential prospects. Keep in mind that Avon on Locations, trade shows, Avon in your Home parties, Avon opportunity meetings and Social media are ideal ways to “Sell the benefits” of our earning opportunity as you have a larger audience waiting to hear what you have to offer.
The Power of 3 Talking to 3 people per day about the earning opportunity with Avon This generates 15 leads per week, 60 in four weeks, 120 in eight weeks TALKING is the fuel that drives your Business Anywhere, anytime, anyplace, always ask! READ SLIDE So be prepared with your talking points before heading out
What Tools Do You Need? Brochures Belief Business Cards Enthusiasm Prospecting flyers Samples Agenda Notebook Pen Appointment Kit (C10) Belief Enthusiasm Passion Great Attitude What tools do you need while prospecting – read left hand side of slide (Appointment kit – as of C11, with the launch of Promise you will only need a Quick Kit, as the Believe Conversation kit as you know it today, will be shipped directly to the Representative with her first order. And of course we need YOU – your belief, enthusiasm, passion and great attitude will be the most important asset when it comes to engaging someone to join your Team.
How To Identify a Prospecting Opportunity? Observe Select your Opportunity The opportunity is everywhere, take time to identify someone you can approach. Is it a mom pushing a stroller who is on maternity leave? Is it a lady at a restaurant (earning minimum wage)? Is it a someone at a park with their young child, wanting to earn money and stay at home? Or is it a group of women, sitting at a coffee shop, and eager to hear about the opportunity you have to offer. Imagine appointing one lady and her having 3 customers or potential team members on the spot? Who do you see as an Opportunity?
The Indirect or Direct Approach? 4 Steps to the Indirect Prospecting Approach Approach Compliment Bridge to Avon Set Time and Place 4 Steps to the Direct Prospecting Approach Introduce Get to know the person Ask if more information is required There are 2 ways to approach people when prospecting – An Indirect approach is a simple way to bring up the Avon Opportunity 1) Approach to engage in a friendly conversation asking open-ended questions to establish common ground and make an emotional connection 2) Compliment while building rapport by commenting on her jewellery, her makeup or how nice her skin looks 3) Bridge to Avon and share your Avon story and create excitement about products or the earning opportunity 4) Set time and place for the Believe Conversation
Scripts That Yield Results When asking for a prospects name and contact info... Never Say: Can I have your name & # Instead Say: “Let me take your name and number and I will call in a couple of days to follow up” READ SLIDE
Scripts That Yield Results Instead Say: “Tell me does anyone leave an Avon brochure here? (If NO) May I ask approximately how many people work here? (probably 15) I would love to spend time with you and explain how you could earn additional income while working here.” When approaching a server at a Restaurant... Never Say: Would you like an Avon brochure? Read SLIDE
Scripts That Yield Results “Hi…I am currently developing my own home-based Business. How long has it been since you have seen an Avon brochure?” “Maybe you can help me. I have a home-based business with Avon and it’s growing so quickly that I am looking for people who are interested in supplementing their income.” READ SLIDE
Scripts That Yield Results “ You are one of the most outgoing people I know. I would love to have you as a business partner. I just need 10 minutes to share something that has really changed my life?” READ SLIDE
Scripts That Yield Results “Thank you for the excellent service, I am always looking for people just like you to join my business…here is my card, with all my contact information, please give me a call when you have a moment, we can discuss it further then.” “I understand that you may not be interested at this time in an Avon business, however, I always like to ask…whether you may know of someone that may be looking for this type of opportunity…”
The Skill of Generating Leads/Referrals Help people identify potential people… Looking to start a home-based business Has just retired Is new to the neighborhood Likes to meet people, out-going and friendly Is a stay-at-home mom Someone looking to earn $$ and/or supplement their income. READ SLIDE
What is Your Conversion Rate? Conversion rate - # of people you need to speak to before a ‘YES’ 2 Conversion Rates 1) ? before you book an interview 2) ? Interviews before someone says ‘YES’ to the Avon Opportunity Your conversion rate refers to the number of people you will need to speak to before you get a ‘yes’ At Avon we track 2 conversion rates: First is the number of people you need to speak to about the Avon opportunity in order to book an interview and share more about the business opportunity. Second is the number of interviews you conduct face to face in order to have one person say yes and start an Avon business. Starting an Avon business refers to actually submitting a first order. Once you know your conversion rate, you can use the information to plan how many people you will need to speak to in order to book an interview and how many interviews you need to conduct in order to add one person to your Team. For example: using your conversion rate ask yourself...how much time do I need to prospect to get two or more Representatives on my Team this week? You may need to approach 30 or 40 people. Next determine how long that will take? At 2 minutes per person that could equal approximately 60 – 90 minutes within that week. You could also book and AOL (Avon on Location), which allows you to speak to a lot of people in a short period of time. As you improve your skills, your conversion rate will also improve. At the beginning you might get only one interview from 30 approaches whereas practice can improve that to one in 15 approaches.
The important thing is to stick to the plan – keep in mind that you are going to get “no’s” and that’s OK because that just means you are getting closer to the “yes” As per Thomas Edison’s quotes – many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. If you are currently at a 30 to 1 conversion rate – don’t stop at 25 as you are on your way to finding the one that is ready to say yes!
asking for more information An objection is really asking for more information An objection is really a question in disguise and the person objecting is actually looking for more information. An objection is nor necessarily a refusal but rather “I am not thoroughly convinced yet so give me more information. When you receive an objection, it is time to turn off selling and turn on your listening skills. Ask questions so that you can address the under lying fears and work towards a solution. Respect or agree with the objection. Always respect the other persons opinion. The worst thing that you can do is become defensive. For instance a prospect says “I had a friend who tried Avon and she spent more money that she made. You reply – “I appreciate your concern” Now you need to relate to the objection; I understand that your biggest fear would be that you would loose money rather than making money. I have had many join who shared the same fear but found that they were able to earn enough money to purchase all their own products and still earn money to contribute to family needs and /or wants. Answer the objection by giving a solution. One of the things that I am most proud of is Avon’s dedication to provide to provide training so that their Representatives succeed. Ask open ended questions to get more information. Where, When, Tell me, Can you. Open ended questions will give you the solution
P A T D And now I will turn the call over to Michelle, who will take you through Appointing Appointing is the act of meeting with a potential Representative and providing her with the information to make a decision on whether Avon is her choice Company.
Find out her goals and dreams The Purpose of the Believe Conversation 1. Create a connection with the prospect Confirm purpose Share your story 2. Convert her to a Representative Benefits of joining Avon Get her story Share the Avon Story Thank you Pearl – and Hello Everyone Appointing is the act of meeting with a potential Representative and providing her with the information to make a decision on whether Avon is her choice Company. When you sit down with your prospect, simply take out the Believe booklet and begin. Find out her goals and dreams
A The Purpose of the Believe Conversation 3. Build excitement for the new business Use the tools Invitation List – the “secret” to success! Remind her of her goals and dreams 4. Help her start now! Build the excitement for our Avon business in Pages 1-16 of the Believe. Then ask her to join your team, if Yes is her response, then continue on with the appointment. If her response is no or that she is unsure. Ask open ended questions to find out what her concerns are and over come those objections. You will get her to the “Yes I will join “ Continue with the believe appointment by discovering her dreams and goal. Build her Invitation List to 50 names as this is the foundation to begin her Avon Business
A The Purpose of the Believe Conversation 5. Get Her Engaged Go for Gold Program 6. Set Goals and Targets Record campaign goals and confirm next steps As you are going through the Believe book with your new team member...on page 27 bring out the go for the gold flyer and discuss her sales earnings .On page 28 go through her campaign goals with her and remember to follow up on these goal at her 48 hr call.
The Avon Success Story… Leadership Bonuses and Commissions from building a strong team Getting to UL in the first 30 days Beauty Sales Earnings from Sales Building a Customer base Engaging in the Go for Gold program + In the Believe appointment, sell the benefits of our entire business to your potential recruit. It allows her to make a decision that is best for her and her needs. Our direct sales earning opportunity and Leadership opportunity work hand in hand – as while the new Representative is building her Customer base in order to increase sales, she will find those who are wanting to start their own Avon business and become a Team member.
What is Her First Step? Go for Gold Build to Unit Once you have sold her on the benefits of building a Customer base and growing a Team, imagine her excitement when you share with her that her first steps are to work towards guaranteeing her discount plus earning bonuses while building to Unit. Pearl I know this next slide is one of your favourite pass times so I will hand it over to you
Shopping Incentive? Who’s going shopping on Avon??
Make a Plan ! Make your plan to achieve now! Its as easy as growing your Team and you earn. To earn level 1 all you need to do is Prospect and appoint 3 qualifying Team Members by C10 and earn a $100 Visa Gift Card To earn level 2 prospect and appoint 6 qualifying Team members and earn $200 Visa gift card And lastly, prospect and appoint 9 qualifying Team Members and earn level 3 which is a $400 Visa Gift Card
Be the Achieve Level 2 AND EARN AN AVON WANTED TOOL KIT $100 VALUE! Make a Plan ! Plus when you earn level 2 you will automatically receive the Avon Wanted Tool Kit which has a $100 value
Set a Team Goal Identify the Entrepreneurs on your Team Book a Team Leadership Meeting Train on Various Prospecting Activities Book a Weekly Follow Up Call Build a Mobilization Calendar towards End Goal Switch it Up! Schedule variety of Prospecting Events (1-2 per week) Book field observation to support team members It’s time to lead by example! When you achieve the incentives - your Downline can see their potential to achieve the same incentives with your support and guidance. So - schedule a Team Leadership meeting and plan for success by training on various prospecting activities. Stay connected with your Team by booking a weekly follow up call. Book events that will allow you to share the opportunity with several people in a short time span Determine which Leaders on your Team require additional training and partner with them by spending good qualify field time to master all PATD activities
Frontload your Commission Potential in C8-11 with New Business Sales Potential !!! Build on your 5% potential NOW by growing the number of Representatives you have in your 1st Generation through recruiting in C8-11! Build on your 5% potential NOW by growing the number of Representatives you have in your 1st Generation through recruiting in C8-11 Moving forward you will want to continue to build your first gen to consistently earn the super charge earnings.
You can dream, create, design, and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dream a reality. This quote says it all – your dream will become a reality when you prospect and appoint This concludes our webinar for this evening - thank you Michelle for partnering with me on this call. And thank you to each of our valued leaders for taking the time to join this call. Good night everyone!