DOCUMENT #:GSC15-PLEN-38 FOR:Presentation SOURCE:TIA AGENDA ITEM:PLEN 4.7 ITS HIS – TIA T. Russell Shields Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) GSC-15
Highlight of Current Activities (1) TIA is ISO TC204 Secretariat Continues strong activity in WG16 on Wide Area Communications (CALM, WAVE, IntelliDrive) Is still Administrator of US TAG and WAG 16 TIA also supports Engineering Committee TR-48, Vehicular Telematics ttee.cfm? ttee.cfm?comm=tr-48 2
Highlight of Current Activities (2) WG16 Get CALM Standards Published Started finalization of , 29281, 29283, before publication process Circulate ISO PROOF of , 25114, Get FDIS ballot result of 21215, and Review process of is ongoing: CD ballot New Work Items 16444, 16445, and proposed as PWI New work items will be proposed concerning IPv6 optimization and security 3
Highlight of Current Activities (3) IEEE 1609 DSRC WG (Sponsor: IEEE Vehicular Technology Society) P and.2 are waiting for security updates and will go into sponsor ballot after the October WG meeting P and.4 are completing sponsor ballot recirculation P is in sponsor ballot and has at least one more recirculation before being submitted for approval P will be worked on after.3 and.4 are completed IEEE p WAVE TG (Sponsor: IEEE LANMAN Standards Committee) IEEE Standard p-2010 has been published 4
Highlight of Current Activities (4) U.S. DOT IntelliDrive SM* Program Status ITS Strategic Research Plan released Dec. 8, 2009 10 categories of research activities including V2V, V2I, Real-Time Data Capture, and Cross-Cutting Activities including architecture and standards Workshops being held throughout 2010 Examples: Webinar (January 20); DSRC (May 5-6, Houston, Texas); Vehicle Safety (July 20-22, Chicago, Illinois), ITS-JPO is hosting a series of IntelliDrive Systems Engineering User Needs workshops to obtain stakeholder input for the definition of the core IntelliDrive system August 25-26, 2010 – Detroit, MI, USA (9:00-4:30 local time) September 1-2, 2010 – San Jose, CA, USA (9:00-4:30 local time) September 29-30, 2010 – Washington, DC (9:00-4:30 local time, Location TBD) TRB is sponsoring a workshop, “Research Needs for IntelliDrive Applications for the Public Sector” on September 20-23, 2010, in Irvine, California * "The IntelliDrive SM Logo is a service mark of the U.S. Department of Transportation. 5
Highlight of Current Activities (5) Key Challenges for IntelliDrive Technical issues: data security, positioning, and scalability Policy issues: security vs. privacy, certification and enforcement, funding for infrastructure Testing and determining the actual benefits of applications Determining whether and how to deploy systems Addressing public acceptance issues: user privacy, effectiveness, safety, and ease of use 6
Highlight of Current Activities (6) U.S. NHTSA V2V Roadmap Status Potential NHTSA rulemaking decision on V2V in 2013 Potentially covering passenger cars, trucks, buses in the U.S. Timing of V2V policy research is based on use for 2013 rulemaking decision – priority is critical issues and research that feeds into rulemaking Roadmap goals Employ advanced V2V wireless technologies to mitigate or prevent crashes Establish robust DSRC standards for safety-critical applications Accelerate in-vehicle technology for value for first V2V vehicles 8 safety application research tracks to support the 2013 decision have been defined 7
Highlights of Current Activities (7) TIA TR-48 Current Activities and Plans TIA Engineering Committee TR-48 supports vehicular telematics standards development TR-48 works with other groups such as IEEE P1609, ISO/TC204, ITSA NATWG, SAE J2735, etc. to ensure work items are not duplicative Activities: Emergency information delivery Wireless roadside inspection Plans: Adopt international standards for the US industry, e.g., ISO (ITS safety and emergency messages using any available wireless media - Data registry procedures) Support Unified Incident Command and Decision Support (UICDS) 8
Strategic Direction (1) Publication of the complete standard set of CALM Focusing on security and privacy WG16 is establishing liaison with IETF Proposal of studying ITS V2V application possibility of LTE TDD in close co-operation with ETSI TC ITS and 3GPP 9
Strategic Direction (2) Pilot activity in the ITS JPO to develop the Safety Net pilot project using standards conforming devices that will be certified for the pilot Standards include IEEE p, SAE J , and draft 1609 documents except and Continue liaison of IEEE Vehicular Technology/ITS liaison with ETSI TC-ITS, ISO TC204 WG16, and ISO TC204 WG18 10
Challenges (1) Test standards New medium (LTE) 11
Challenges (2) Coordinating the ITS system to work with the requirements described in the p standard Efforts needed to address ITS as a system, rather than just the communications component of ITS R&D on operational aspects of ITS to identify the institutions and entities that will need to be identified / established for national and global ITS 12
Next Steps/Actions (1) Identify the need of new work items Start review of the already published standards Synchronization of the documents of the complete standard set 13
Next Steps/Actions (2) IEEE Standard p Monitor the roll-up of all of the amendments approved since IEEE Standard was published IEEE P1609.1,.2,.3,.4,.11. Guide through balloting steps IEEE P Work on the document for balloting in
Supplementary Slides 15
Supplementary Slides 16 ISO Work Item TitleCurrent Stage Target DatesStarted Current Stage Project LeaderProject Control TR Lawful Interception in ITS and CALM S Cadzow Published standard PRF TR Data retention for law enforcement in ITS and CALM S Cadzow Publication draft submitted to TC204 on 24 March Estimated date of Proof 9 July 2010 PWI CALM Security Part 1: Framework No target dates yet S Cadzow Item registered by ISO CS 11 December Form4 should be retransmitted to ISO CS. PWI CALM Security Part 2: Threat Vulnerability and Risk Analysis No target dates yet S Cadzow Item registered by ISO CS 11 December Form4 should be retransmitted to ISO CS. PWI CALM Security Part 3: Objectives and Requirements No target dates yet S Cadzow Item registered by ISO CS 11 December Form4 should be retransmitted to ISO CS. PWI CALM Security Part 4: Countermeasures No target dates yet S Cadzow Item registered by ISO CS 11 December Form4 should be retransmitted to ISO CS. DIS CALM receiving public broadcast communications DIS: FDIS: IS: R Williams DIS ballot ends on 2 December IS TICS Wide Area Communication Message Management Information H Wakayama ISO CS extended the life time of the standard
Supplementary Slides 17 ISO Work Item TitleCurrent Stage Target DatesStarted Current Stage Project LeaderProject Control PWI CALM Geo-routing HJ Fischer ISO CS registered the WI as PWI PWI CALM Handover mechanisms HJ Fischer ISO CS registered the WI as PWI PWI CALM WAVE HJ Fischer ISO CS registered the WI as PWI PWI Criteria for Privacy and Integrity protection in Probe Vehicle Information System M Sato ISO CS registered the WI as PWI DIS CALM IPv6 Networking FDIS: IS: H Wakayama Direct publication was approved by the New Orleans plenary IS CALM using 2G Cellular Systems R Williams Published standard IS CALM using 3G Cellular Systems R Williams Published standard IS CALM IR R Williams Standard is under revision CD CALM IR Rev R Williams CD ballot ends on 13 October 2010
Supplementary Slides 18 ISO Work Item TitleCurrent Stage Target DatesStarted Current Stage Project LeaderProject Control FDIS CALM M FDIS: IS: K Evensen FDIS ballot ends on 27 September FDIS CALM Millimetre, Physical Layer FDIS: IS: M Fujise FDIS draft was submitted to TC 204 on 24 March, Estimated date of FDIS ballot 29 August2010. PWI CALM Millimetre, MAC-related Parameters A Dearlove WI was deleted IS CALM Architecture K Evensen Published standard IS CALM Networking - Lower Layer SAPs HJ Fischer Published standard IS Vehicle Probe Data for Wide Area Communication T Kishi Published standard IS Basic Principles for personal data protection in probe vehicle information systems Y Watanabe Published standard IS CALM Application Management M Ohyama Published standard
Supplementary Slides 19 ISO Work Item TitleCurrent Stage Target DatesStarted Current Stage Project LeaderProject Control PRF CALM Application Management – Conformance Test FDIS: IS: M Ohyama Proof is under internal circulation. FDIS CALM ITS Station Management FDIS: IS: K Evensen FDIS ballot ends on 21 September 2010 IS CALM MAIL K Koga k- Published standard IS ITS Safety and Emergency Notifications using any Available Wireless Media - Data Registry R Williams Published standard IS CALM ITS using Public Wireless Networks - General requirement H Cho Published standard IS CALM MWB using IEEE H Cho Published standard
Supplementary Slides 20 ISO Work Item TitleCurrent Stage Target DatesStarted Current Stage Project LeaderProject Control IS CALM MWB using HC-SDMA K Murakami kazuhiro.murakami.x Published standard PRF TS Probe Data Reporting Management S Sprouffske ISO CS requested modifications were submitted to TC204 on 16 March Estimated date of proof 5 July DIS CALM non-IP Communication Mechanisms FDIS: IS: T Sugiura Direct publication was approved by New Orleans TC204 plenary DIS CALM Applications using Satellite DIS: FDIS: IS: R Williams DIS ballot ends on 28 September 2010 DIS CALM Applications using FDIS: IS: K Murakami kazuhiro.murakami.x Direct publication was approved by New Orleans TC204 plenary DTS Event based Probe Vehicle Data CD: DIS: FDIS: IS: M Sato jp CD ballot ended on 6 July 2010.
IEEE 1609 DSRC WG IEEE P will be worked on after.3 and.4 are completed and will likely be approved in 2011 This document is intended to address the coordination with ETSI and ISO at the architecture level, but with a specific architecture and additional information about the IEEE 1609 family of standards ETSI has approved a profile standard for the IEEE p amendment that includes the EU requirements, a proposed project was submitted for a profile of IEEE to be developed in ETSI TC-ITS WG5 There is a pilot activity in the ITS JPO to develop the Safety Net pilot project using standards conforming devices that will be certified for the pilot Those standards include the IEEE p, SAE J , and the draft 1609 documents except and IEEE Vehicular Technology/ITS liaison with ETSI TC-ITS continues, as does the liaison with ISO TC204 WG16 and WG18 21
IEEE p WAVE TG IEEE Standard p-2010, has been published. Next step is to monitor the roll-up of all of the amendments approved since IEEE Standard was published The task is to add the amendments without inadvertently changing the amendments in the roll-up process and assuring that the clause changes can be made and the cross-references are checked to be correct A very big job for the page draft that will become IEEE Standard when it completes its development and balloting process in 2011 There are several amendments in the development process and sponsor ballot, but will be rolled-up after the standard is approved in