Final Briefing and Instructions for the DepED Supervisors of Iloilo City
14 days before the May 13, 2013 National and Local Elections
Preparatory Stage Checking of Election Paraphernalia with the City Treasurer’s Office: May 2, 2013 May 2, a.m. : Jaro May 4, a.m. : City Proper/Arevalo May 5, a.m.: Lapuz/Lapaz 8-11 a.m.: Lapuz/Lapaz 1-4 p.m.: Molo/Mandurriao 1-4 p.m.: Molo/Mandurriao
Preparatory Stage Consultation with the DepEd Supervisor (Location of the classrooms to be used as precincts. Consultation with the DepEd Supervisor (Location of the classrooms to be used as precincts. Well ventilated classrooms, strong cellphone signals. Well ventilated classrooms, strong cellphone signals. DO NOT CHANGE CLASSROOMS AFTER! DO NOT CHANGE CLASSROOMS AFTER!
Example of Lay-out
Preparatory Stage Physical Preparation of Classrooms (Cleanliness, orderliness, as requested by your fellow teachers) Arrange to accommodate 20 voters. Posting of PCVLs
Final Testing and Sealing (FTS) Day May 10, 2013 :Schedule of FTS 9:00 a.m. May 9, 2013 :Delivery of PCOS and Ballot Boxes (COMELEC will inform DepEd on the time of delivery per district)
Poll Worker access compartment input - is where the Main Memory Card is inserted. Ballot entry slot - the narrow paper tray in the front slot where ballots are inserted. Administrator access compartment input - is where the Backup Memory Card is inserted. Security Key Receptacle – the contact point for the security key. PCOS PARTS – Front Side View LED indicator - determines the power status of the PCOS
1. Main Memory Card Slot - Primary compartment for storage of configured files 2. Back-up Memory Card Slot - Secondary compartment for Back-up memory card
Operator LCD Screen with counter – used to interact with the application. Transmission port - a RJ45 interface on the right side of the PCOS machine. It is used for connecting the external modem/cellular device for transmission of election results. Green Cast & Red Return Buttons – special buttons used solely for FTS diagnostic procedure. Printer compartment - is where the built-in printer of PCOS is located. PCOS PARTS – Front Side View
Power ports - The PCOS machine is capable of operating with AC power or via optional external battery pack (DC). The external battery can last at least 12 hours of continuous operation. There is no power switch. It is turned on by connecting the plug to the power source. PCOS PARTS – Rear Side View Ballot Exit Slot - located directly at the opposite side of the Ballot entry slot. Valid ballots are ejected from the ballot exit slot. DC Power Restart button
Other Components and Peripherals of PCOS iButton makes contact with PCOS through the security key receptacle. IButton security key – The iButton is used to access the administrative options of the PCOS.
Compact Flash Removable Memory (Results Storage) Main and Backup memory cards are compact flash memory cards that store configuration and results. Main memory card is located in the Poll Worker access compartment Back-up memory card is located in the administrator access compartment. The Backup memory card holds a copy of the election results and audit log from the Main memory card. The Main and Back-up memory cards are sealed for the entire election process. The Backup memory card is used to confirm that the Main memory card has not been tampered.
Thermal Paper This is the paper that is used for printing election results and it is located inside the PRINTER COMPARTMENT. Ballot Box The ballot box is constructed using a steel frame and steel side panels. It has security features to prevent unauthorized access, including physical locks on all access doors.
Power Supply AC adaptor that comes with the PCOS Machine which uses 220 volts AC and an output of 20 volts AC.
Power Supply The Battery Pack of the PCOS Machine uses 12 volts DC
Transmission Devices Option 1: PCOS Modem Option 2: BGAN* Antenna MODEM (Modulator/Demodulator) BGAN (Broadband Global Area Network) SIM CARD
Final Testing and Sealing (FTS) Day Check contents of PCOS Box Install PCOS (remind Back-up Battery) Run Diagnostics Test Voting/Mock Elections (10 voters) NO TRANSMISSION!!! REZERO Insert BACK UP MEMORY CARD (Make sure PCOS has no power) Manual Verification (Overvote/Undervote)
Final Testing and Sealing (FTS) Day Safekeeping of the PCOS (Principal’s Office, most secure place in the schools.) Guarding of the PCOS Report if there are discrepancies in the Manual Verification Make sure you have the CORRECT PCOS FOR YOUR CLUSTERED PRECINCT!
Election Day Delivery of Ballots and Election Paraphernalia Install early PNP Security Detail (Minutes) Support Staff Calling of watchers to explain 20 voters (Minutes) 7:00 a.m. start of voting Giving of priority numbers (first come, first serve) – FOR CROWD CONTROL ONLY
CANDIDATES FOR SENATOR, CANDIDATES FOR MEMBER, SANGGUNIANG PANLALAWIGAN OR PANLUNGSOD OR BAYAN, or ARMM REGIONAL LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY BELONGING TO THE SAME PARTY OR COALITION, SHALL COLLECTIVELY BE ENTITLED TO ONE (1) WATCHER If, BECAUSE OF LIMITED SPACE, all watchers cannot be accommodated in the polling place, preference shall be given to the watchers of: the dominant majority party dominant minority party citizen’s arm.
Other civil, professional, business, service, youth and any other similar organizations shall be entitled to COLLECTIVELY appoint ONE WATCHER in every polling place, upon prior authority of the Commission. WATCHER BUSINES S YOUTHCIVILSERVICE PROFESSIONAL
Election Day Express lane for Senior Citizens, PWDs, Pregnants PCOS Technicians TO ASSIST Pre-signing of Ballots by the Chair 20 minutes voting privilege (obvious election offense) Continuous voting. No lunch breaks 7:00 p.m. CLOSE VOTING (30 meter rule, list down)
Election Day REMOVE MAIN MEMORY CARD AND DELIVER TO CANVASSING AREA (DepEd Social Hall) to be delivered by the CHAIR BACK UP MEMORY CARD remains inside the PCOS
Copies of ERIn National PositionsIn Local Positions Second copy First copy Third copy Fourth copy Fifth copy Sixth copy Seventh copy Eight copy city/municipal BOC COMELEC T he Citizens’ arm PPCRV T he Citizens’ arm PPCRV Dominant majority party Dominant minority party ballot box PBOC city/municipal BOC COMELEC PBOC Dominant minority party Dominant majority party ballot box Posted on a wall in the polling place or counting center T he Citizens’ arm PPCRV or Regional BOC for ARMM
Copies of ERIn National PositionsIn Local Positions Ninth to Eighteenth copies Nineteenth and Twentieth copies Twenty-first to Twenty-fourth copies Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth copies Twenty-seventh to Thirtieth copies national broadcast or print media entities ten (10) accredited major national parties two (2) accredited major local parties local broadcast or print media entities Four major citizens’ arms: PPCRV, NAMFREL, ONE VOTE & C-CARE ten (10) accredited major national parties two (2) accredited major local parties national broadcast or print media entities (21 st to 25 th copies) local broadcast or print media entities (26 th and 27 th copies) (28 th to 30 th copies) Three major citizens’ arms
Election Day Return of Ballot Boxes to the CTO Bodega Election Paraphernalia to Iloilo City COMELEC OFFICE Not Transmitted CF Memory Cards should be delivered to the Canvassing Area (DepEd Social Hall) ASAP by the CHAIR for Manual Uploading PCOS retrieval will start by 10:00 p.m.
Election Day (Other Matters) Appointment Papers (KEEP THEM) No backdoor substitution of BEIs EDCVL only source. N and Ň confusion. No Barangay Officials allowed inside voting center. No using of CELL PHONES inside the precinct. Presence of the MEDIA SBEIs for DETAINEE VOTERS RMAT
CONTINUITY PLAN In case of defective PCOS Failure to transmit Failure to print ER Lost PCOS components Paper jam/Rejected Ballots
Salary Landbank ATM Cash Card