Have you downloaded WSSDA 2014? Search for the app in iTunes or Google Play Store and join the conversation. WELCOME. 1.Tap Agenda 2.Locate this session in the agenda 3.Tap Check In
THE ROAD TO BOND VICTORY: How community connections, collaboration and communication helped one district win big! 2 WSSDA conference, 11/21/14 North Thurston Public Schools, Lacey, WA Marcia Coppin, Board President Courtney Schrieve, Community Relations Director Ruth Weigelt, Co-Chair, North Thurston Citizens for Schools
THE DISTRICT What’s your final destination? Who else should we invite on the journey? Have we let others know about our plans? Do we have a current road map? 5
THE ROAD MAP Facility Advisory Committee Community Outreach/Town Halls School Board Work Session The Tacoma Model Consultant/Community Survey Capital Facilities Plan School Board Presentation (Citizens Group recommendation) Ballot Resolution 6
FACTS & INFORMATION District Facts and Information Website Brochure (mailer) Fact Sheets (school specific) for website/backpacks Posters (school specific) Community Presentations Community TV / Media Reader Boards Voter Registration PDC Reminders 7
SCHOOL BOARD Consumer Reports – what’s your reputation? Know your “Blue Book” – how much do you need? Invite people for a test drive – bus tours, school board meetings, etc. Promises Made, Promises Kept – keep voters informed after election 8
WHAT’S ON YOUR WINDOW STICKER? School Upgrades, New Construction & Modernizations District-wide Improvements Technology Upgrades Safety, Health & Security 10
THE MECHANICS OF SUCCESSFUL BALLOT LANGUAGE Generic Language 2012 Revised Ballot Measure language
COMMUNITY Create a solid Pit Crew Filling Stations Don’t forget VIPs in your Side Car Friendly competition Bring Snacks and Music 12
THINGS TO HAVE IN THE GLOVE COMPARTMENT Regular meetings even in off election years School Teams: Identify a parent, teacher and principal rep from each school Consultant (optional) Identify key leaders as Honorary Campaign Co-Chairs Identify businesses, non-profits for endorsements Breakfast Fundraiser (contractors, vendors, etc.) 13
DON’T FORGET TO ENGAGE YOUR STAFF & NEIGHBORS Collaboration with neighbor districts Media endorsements /editorial board Signs (not too early) Phone Banks/Matchbacks Robo Calls Direct Mailer Sign Waving Teacher Postcards (signed) 14
ONCE YOU REACH YOUR DESTINATION Victory Party! THANK YOUS!!!! Ad in local papers Letters Awards/certificates Ongoing public communication about progress 15
NEXT STEPS… Communication 2. Collaboration with Community 3. Well-oiled Citizen Campaign THE 3 KEYS TO SUCCESS FOR BOND VICTORY
TABLE TOP: OPTION A School District A has lost the last two bonds by 3%. They did a lot of doorbelling and one mailer from the district. There were no town meetings. The Superintendent lives an hour a way and is not involved in the local community. The bond would increase property taxes by $2.50 per $1,000. Brainstorm on what steps they could take to make bond #3 a road to victory! 18
TABLE TOP: OPTION B School District B has a new Superintendent. They won a bond 8 years ago by 5,000 votes, but have had a huge growth spurt and acres of portables. Test scores are down and teachers threatened a strike last summer. They need a new middle school and 2 renovations in 30+ year old schools. Discuss what a good public information campaign would look like. 19
QUESTIONS!??? Thank you for joining our journey! Let us know how we can help! 20 DISTRICT: or COMMUNITY:
We’d love to have your feedback. Take a moment to participate in a quick survey about this session in WSSDA THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING. 1.Tap Agenda 2.Locate this session in the agenda 3.Tap Check In (if you haven’t already) 4.Tap Take Survey