Missouri Tobacco Tax Increase Misty Snodgrass Legislative/Government Relations Director American Cancer Society
Why a Tobacco Tax? Each year thousands of Missourians are diagnosed with tobacco-caused cancers, heart and lung diseases, and many will lose their lives. Missouri has the lowest cigarette tax (17¢ ) of all states in the nation, and very high smoking and other tobacco product use rates. Costs an estimated $565 per household in public expenditures, and claims 9,500 lives per year in Missouri from cancer and other smoking-related diseases. This ballot measure will mean increased longevity, improved quality of life, and fewer Missourians who will needlessly suffer and die from tobacco- caused diseases. This is a public health initiative that will impact the lives of Missourians for generations to come, through better health and education.
Why a Tobacco Tax? Revenue Win Provides CDC recommended levels of tobacco control funding Provides additional revenue for K-12 and Higher Education, not subject to legislative appropriations Health Win One of the most effective ways to reduce smoking rates and other tobacco product use, and helps prevent our youth from ever starting Increase is on cigarette and other tobacco products
State Tobacco Tax Excise Rates
Background A diverse group of organizations and individual Missourians led by the American Cancer Society has filed a proposition on tobacco taxes to provide badly needed funding for public education, higher education and public health in Missouri. Due to the Hancock Amendment limiting state taxes, Missouri’s legislature can only raise the tobacco tax approximately 15 to 17 cents during a session. – Research shows that such a small tax increase would not produce the needed public health benefits.
Background In addition to saving lives and reducing current and future health care costs due to smoking, the measure would help Missouri’s workforce infrastructure by enhancing education funding for tomorrow’s workers. Increasing tobacco taxes is a proven way to decrease smoking rates and cigarette consumption, especially among children. Tobacco use is the most preventable cause of premature illness and death in the United States and Missouri. Tobacco use accounts for at least 30% of all cancer deaths and 87% of lung cancer deaths. Increasing tobacco taxes is the single most effective way to reduce tobacco consumption and prevent youth initiation.
Health Impact in Missouri Smoking Prevalence Missouri adults 21.1%, Missouri is 11th highest in smoking prevalence now 19.5% high school students smoke 8,600 Missouri kids (under 18) become new daily smokers each year. Annual healthcare costs directly caused by smoking: $2.13 billion Annual cost of smoking to Medicaid: $532 million
Surrounding States
$.73 Tax Increase Projected Benefits Kids in Missouri kept from becoming addicted adult smokers: 40,800 Current adult smokers in the state who would quit: 33,000 Smoking-affected births avoided over next five years: 8,200 Missouri residents saved from premature smoking-caused death: 22,200 5-year health savings from fewer smoking-affected pregnancies & births: $17.69 million 5-year health savings from fewer smoking-caused heart attacks & strokes: $11.80 million Long-term health savings in the state from adult & youth smoking declines: $1.37 billion
Allocation of Funding 50% Elementary and Secondary Education (emphasis in the classroom) 30% Universities and Colleges (emphasis on training healthcare providers) 20% Prevention and Quit Assistance
Elementary and Secondary Education Prevent staff reductions & increased class sizes. Ballot language includes safeguard to ensure additional revenue to K-12 education (supplement, not supplant) Distribution method DESE shall distribute Foundation formula until school funding formula is fully funded Then funds will distributed on a per pupil basis At least 25% of the moneys shall be used in direct classroom expenditures Purposes, include, but not limited to: Teacher recruitment & retention, salaries or professional development; School construction, renovation, or leasing; Technology enhancements, textbooks, or instructional materials; School safety; or Supplying additional funding for required state & federal programs.
Higher Education Department of Higher Education distributes to public colleges and universities Based on proportion of basic operating appropriations for preceding FY – 25% shall be used for programs related to the education, training, and development of future caregivers including physicians, dentists, optometrists, pharmacists, nurses, and other healthcare providers
Tobacco Prevention and Quit Assistance Responsible for establishing initiatives to promote tobacco use quit assistance and prevention and public health for tobacco- related disease – including a comprehensive statewide tobacco control program – 15% may be used for public health, including loan forgiveness or scholarships for medical professionals who work in underserved areas
Timeline Filed the final initiative in Jan Turned in Signatures: May 4, 2012 SOS Approves: 30 Days After Signatures Filed Ballot November 2012
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