1 Accredited Standards Committee C63 ® - EMC Subcommittee 5 – Immunity Stephen R Whitesell SC-5 Chair 11/13/2014
2 Accredited Standards Committee C63 ® - EMC Subcommittee 5 Responsibilities Subcommittee 5 is responsible for developing and maintaining the following EMC immunity documents: C63.9 – Standard for RF Immunity of Audio Office Equipment C63.15 – Recommended Practice for Immunity Measurement of Electrical and Electronic Equipment C63.16 – Guide for ESD Testing Methodologies C63.24 – Recommended Practice for In-Situ RF Immunity Evaluation
3 Accredited Standards Committee C63 ® - EMC C63.9 – Immunity of Audio Office Equipment Document was reaffirmed on October 16, Several comments were received during the reaffirmation ballot process. Working Group being formed to address those comments and other potential issues by revising the document. Andy Griffin has agreed to serve as Chair. Additional WG members being sought. First step is to develop and submit PINS for approval.
4 Accredited Standards Committee C63 ® - EMC C63.15 – Immunity Measurement of Electrical and Electronic Equipment Document is due for 5-year review in PINS-C recommended by SC-5 for forwarding to main committee. Working Group being formed to review PINS-C and turn it into a PINS for revising document. Don Heirman has agreed to serve as Chair. Additional WG members being sought.
5 Accredited Standards Committee C63 ® - EMC Motions PINS-C for revising C63.15 on Immunity Measurement of Electrical and Electronic Equipment On behalf of Subcommittee 5, I move that C63® approve the proposed PINS-C covering possible items to be included in a revision of C For: Against: Abstain:
6 Accredited Standards Committee C63 ® - EMC C63.16 – ESD Testing Guide Document is very nearly ready to be recommended for ballot. Small ad hoc group met Wednesday afternoon and resolved wording on one final section. Completed document will be reviewed at WG meeting on December 12, Next steps: Editorial review Subcommittee ballot Main committee ballot
7 Accredited Standards Committee C63 ® - EMC C63.24 – In-Situ RF Immunity Evaluation Progress on document is at a standstill. Some interest in document again expressed during SC-5 meeting. Last draft of document and comments received on it will be circulated to C63 membership with request for those having a genuine interest in working on the document to volunteer. If sufficient interest and willingness to work is identified, the WG will be re-formulated and effort will resume. If not, project will be cancelled.
8 Accredited Standards Committee C63 ® - EMC Criteria for Continuation of Membership Criteria for continuation of membership at the SC and WG level was communicated as follows: For an individual to remain a voting member of a Subcommittee, active participation in Subcommittee meetings and voting on Subcommittee votes is required. Failure to participate in three consecutive meetings (in person or remotely via web conference (when used)) or respond to two consecutive technical votes may place your membership at risk. For an individual to remain a member of a Working Group, active participation is required. Failure to participate in three consecutive scheduled meetings (in person or via web conference (when used)) may place your membership at risk. Individual Working Groups may establish additional participation criteria and/or modify this requirement.