By contrast, Mr Modi offers the “politics of development not of revenge”. He told his crowd, for example, that lack of sewerage is unacceptable and how, as Gujarat’s chief minister, he oversaw installation of 76,000 lavatories in schools so that more girls could study. His toilet talk may yet appeal more than the Gandhis’ paternalism.
The International Water Management Institute estimates 2 billion people will live in regions with insufficient water to meet human needs. Global water demand is forecast to Increase by 55% between today and 2050
Total water consumption in Australia is forecasted to rise by 42% by 2026 and 76% by the 2056 (WSAA). The increased demand for water is likely to be associated with price rises.
STANDARDS AUSTRALIA Standards AustraliaOur role in the economyAvoiding duplicationInnovation and researchPriority setting and engagement Overview of presentation
STANDARDS AUSTRALIA – FORMED 1922 Independent, not-for-profit, non-government Represents Australia on the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) Recovers a small royalty on sale of Australian Standards Driven by adding Net Benefit to Australia A trusted partner of government and industry Agenda and priorities driven by stakeholders The Facts…
OBJECTIVE To excel in the provision of contemporary, internationally aligned Standards and related services. Community Net Benefit Stakeholder Satisfaction Sustainable Organisation Standards Development RESULTING IN
EXTERNAL STAKEHOLDER VIEW × × × × × × × × × × × × × × Standards Development Too slow Options too limited Participation too costly Projects not assessed or scoped Project management inconsistent Technology and systems poor Staff skills and approach variable
ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE Maximise Speed to market Quality Value Relevance Minimise Time and costs Standards Development The right solution at the right time and the right price
AUSTRALIAN STANDARDS Voluntary documents Consensus based Alternative to regulation Efficiency Codify, don’t legislate
PLUMBING WORK PROGRAM Jennifer Harwood National Sector Manager Standards Australia
EXTERNAL STAKEHOLDER VIEW × × × × × × × × × × × × × × Standards Development Too slow Options too limited Participation too costly Projects not assessed or scoped Project management inconsistent Technology and systems poor Staff skills and approach variable
PROPOSAL PROCESS Clear Project Scope Stakeholder Support Net Benefit Case Avoiding Duplication
PLUMBING AGENDA Relevant and contemporary standards AS/NZS 3500 (parts 1-5) AS/NZS 2179 AS/NZS 6400 ISO Priorities Innovation Current Work Items
AS/NZS 3500 (parts 1-5) Part 1: Removal of all policy items from the standard -Drafting stage -Out for Public Comment -Publication in 2014 Part 2: Removal of all policy items from the standard -Drafting stage -Out for Public Comment -Publication in 2014 Part 3: Removal of all policy items from the standard -Drafting stage -Out for Public Comment -Publication in 2014 Part 3: Revision to reflect the stormwater drainage requirements and the changes in technology -Drafting stage and developing the PIA -Publication in 2015 Part 4: Project to provide clarification on the solar heated water installation requirements -Drafting stage -Publication in 2014
AS/NZS 2179 Part 1: Include AM coatings and incorporate ABCB requirements for referenced documents -At ballot -Publication in 2014
AS/NZS 6400 Revision of the current standard including the identification of WELS products and removal of non-technical material that is included in the WELS determination and is consistent with the revision of AS/NZS Out for public comment -Publication in 2014
ISO Priorities Sludge recovery, recycling, treatment and disposal -Australian mirror committee Water re-use - Australian mirror committee Treated wastewater re-use for irrigation - Australian mirror committee On site domestic wastewater management - Develop an Australian only committee
STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT Standards Australia 1. Proposal to amend, revise or develop a standard 2. Public comment process 3. Technical or sub-committee process